E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028
  Nuclear hyperfine mixing in 229Th89+  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 223     Entry time: Wed Apr 13 14:29:04 2022
Author: Carsten, Rodolfo, Sarper, David, Pierre-Michel, Max, Sebastian 
Category: Runs 
Subject: Afternoon - morning shift runs 13.+14.04. 
Changed the wavelength scan range from 321.62 - 321.10 nm to 321.12 - 320.60 nm after one scan.

TimeSIS-intensitycooler-HVLMD-DAQ2 file nr LMD-DAQ1 file nr scan range(nm)step width(nm)dwell time(s)particles countedcomments
14:28 1.9e9 209618 0254 7983 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 7950
15:35 1.7e9 209613 0255 7984 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 7100 Wavelength range has changed starting from this scan
16:21 1.8e9 209612 0256 7985 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 6900
17:11 1.8e9 209619 0257 7986 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 7950
17:57 2.0e9 209618 0258-0259 7987 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 8900
18:48 2.1e9 209620 0260-0261 7988 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 9260 After the scan was complete, we have realized that TCL 1064 computer is crashed.. fixed @ 20:05
20:07 2.1e9 209621 0262 7989 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 7800
20:56 2.0e9 209620 0263 7990 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 8190 After closing file, we replaced the dye from the laser.
22:10 0 209620 0264 7991 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 0 No beam due to failures in Unilac and SIS. NTCAP stopped 01:44, restarted 02:15
02:20 1.5e9 209620 0265 7992 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 0 Electron cooler problem during scan, bad file.
02:52 1.4e9 209624 0266-0267 7993 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 3076 --> CU mirror in all time !!!
03:44 1.6e9 209625 0268-0269 7994 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 5156 --> CU mirror in all time !!!
04:35 1.7e9 209624 0270-0271 7995 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 3430 --> CU mirror in all time !!!
05:27 1.6e9 209621 0272-0273 7996 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 3200 --> CU mirror in all time !!!
06:17 1.6e9 209621 0274-0275 7997 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 3371 low particle count since 22:00, see ID:225, --> CU mirror in all time !!!
07:24 1.5e9 209622 0276-0277 7998 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 3366 --> CU mirror in all time !!!
08:33 1.6e9 209621 0278-0279 7999 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 2940 ecooler jumped to 209615 during measurement, --> CU mirror in all time !!!
09:26 1.5e9 209618 0280 8000 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s aborted, request of Carsten
09:46 1.6e9 209621 0283-285 8003 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 2950 small ecooler current changes (300mA injection and 50mA @ measurement), fragments survive in schottky @ lower frequencies (see attached pic1 and pic2), it seems to be that the cooler does not work correctly in "phase 1" (pic 1), --> CU mirror in all time !!!
11:28 1.75e9 209624 0287 8005 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s ~1800 ESR cooler back to 450mA (injection), 40mA (measurement), additional manual waiting time of 15s in machine 3 (after injection before ramping); ABORT laserscan on Carstens request after ~1 loop; Sergey arrived and we get some time for ion beam adjustements, --> CU mirror in all time !!!
12:23 1.5e9 209623 0289-0290 8007 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 8100 Cu mirror is again automated and intensity in ESR is back up ; @12:42 increase of the width of the ion beam (pic3) @12:43 again normal width, intensity dropped significantly over time afterwards
13:09 1.55e9 209622 0291-292 8008 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 4852 beam killed @ loop 2 scan nbr 253 (8 steps missed)
14:00 1e9 209622 0293-0294 8009 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 5509
14:48 9.5e8 209622 0295-0296 8010 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 5477
15:47 1e9 209622 0297-298 8011 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 6336
16:42 7e8 209619 0299 8012 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 2424
17:45 9.9e8 209620 0300 8013 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 5133
Attachment 1: coolerProblemsAndFragments.JPG  148 kB  Uploaded Thu Apr 14 10:53:25 2022  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: fragments.JPG  102 kB  Uploaded Thu Apr 14 10:53:34 2022  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 3: BroaderIonBeam.JPG  104 kB  Uploaded Thu Apr 14 13:51:42 2022  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 4: againNormalWidth.JPG  92 kB  Uploaded Thu Apr 14 13:51:51 2022  | Show | Hide all | Show all
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