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  Nuclear hyperfine mixing in 229Th89+  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 227     Entry time: Thu Apr 14 10:57:11 2022
Author: Carsten 
Category: Accelerator 
Subject: Maintanence UNILAC / Op training 
We had no beam since about 1000. Also, we are still trying to find out why we have such a low intensity in the expereimnt.
Presently, there is a planned maintenance in the UNILAC, beam is expected back in 25-30 mins.
The profile grid TE3 in the transfer beamline in front of the target will be used to check if the extracted SIS beam has changed compared to before the crash of the SIS.
All devices in the ESR seem to work normally including ramping of cooler current/voltage, dipole correction windings and sextupoles (all checked).
As we observed that coolng performace after injection is much worse Markus (Steck) suggested that we could try a longer manual cooling in machine 3 (pleae no cahnges in timimng) to see whether the SIS energy has changed (similar to about 1 week ago).
Cooler elctron current iis put back to 450ma (inejection / 40mA measurement).
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b