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  Nuclear hyperfine mixing in 229Th89+  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 57     Entry time: Fri Apr 1 18:30:38 2022
Author: Carsten 
Category: Detectors 
Subject: Positions / Voltages threshlds for particle detectors 
DC beam 238U92+ (205kV, e-beam)
We used the detector NA_SZ to determine the central primary-beam (238U92+) position by observing the Schottky-signal while moving the detector inside.

The beam position is 43 mm (wehre the beam is almost gone").

In the pocket of the NA_SZ we mounted the thick "old pilot U" scintilator since the original one foreseen is defect, see other post.
CFD Model CAEN N853
800V position 20mm pulse height 1V
750V position 10mm pulse height 0.82V, CFD, Ch7, 247, (247mV according to manual)

Check positions and voltages of the detector behind the cooler
Yesterday the setting of the scope was x10, so the values written in that post were wrong.
At present we position -20, 1400V, pulseheight 1C, CFD, Ch6, 250 (250mV according to manual)

Scraping from the inside with NI_SZ touches the primary ion beam at 28 and destroys the beam at 27 mm. Thus, the beam presently is on a very inner orbit.
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b