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  nuclear two-photon decay  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 114     Entry time: Sun May 9 21:29:26 2021
Author: Helmut, Wolfram, Yuri 
Category: Accelerator 
Subject: target TE3UF shift 
We see a very strong line at the left end of spectrum, stronger than all other lines.
When we shift the target TE3UF_H from -35mm to -37mm it gete weaker, but -37mm is the end of drive.
In the other direction it becomes worse. At -25mm completely new peaks.
Also scan in Y direction TE3UF_V +25mm and +40mm give other fragments even very intense, while the old lines vanish.
So production happens in target frame. 
Use -37mm, +37mm as best target position.

We run with TCap only for some time hoping there is somewhere a peak of 70Se
running from about 9:15 to about 22:00
We set scrapers in the previous optimum position
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b