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  nuclear two-photon decay  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 138     Entry time: Tue Jun 29 20:13:58 2021
Author: Helmut, Sergey, Yuri 
Category: Accelerator 
Subject: change to predrilling an 72Ge 
After optimisation of sextupoles we found a scraper position which makes a narrow peak and keeps 20% of the injected beam.
  GEEXDS2HA = +2.0 mm (out is +130mm)
  GE01DS_HI = -75 mm  (out is -130mm)
removed scrapers again for predrilling.

We agree on gamma_t = 1.3956, E/m = 368.50 MeV/u.
Then for 78Kr at Brho = 6.79675 Tm of isoc 72Ge 
E-SIS = 466.63 MeV/u, assume target of 1815 mg/cm² Be
after target E/m = 393.024 MeV/u
In ESR-Modi set for same E/m but different m/q (m=72, Z=q=32)

Injection looks good like before with isochronous 78Kr we go directly to the next step
72Ge with E-SIS = 440.16 MeV/u to get 72Ge at gamma_t.
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b