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  nuclear two-photon decay  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 14     Entry time: Thu May 6 17:48:48 2021
Author: W. Korten, Helmut 
Category: General 
Subject: ESR setting for 72Ge ions with primary beam  
Setting the 78Kr (after the target) to the Brho of the 72Ge beam at 368.4 MeV/u (gamma=1.3955), i.e. 6.79575 Tm, which leads to an energy of 392.93 (of 78Kr). 
With the 10mm Be target the beam energy should then be 467.8 MeV/u .
Yes, with my slightly different target thickenss 467.5 MeV/u (Helmut).

For 72Ge at this Brho after the target it then needs 440.95 MeV/u.
LISE in proj. fragmentation option Morissey for projectile energy loss and ATIMA 1.4 with Be 1839 mg/cm^2).
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b