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  nuclear two-photon decay  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 167     Entry time: Thu Jul 1 14:47:15 2021
Author: Yury, Helmut 
Category: Accelerator 
Subject: added high Brho scrapers 
So far only scrapers for low Brho were used:
  GE01DS_HI = -58mm (arc from inside) and
  GEEXDS2HA = -11.2 (straight from outside)
We also want a cut on high Brho to avoid possible strange lines.

GE01DS_HA is limited in motion, at the maximum inside position (0.0 mm) there is no effect.

Next EEXDS1HG (aperture for ToF-detctor) in mm
120 -  completely out
 60 - no effect full beam
 45 -   "
 30 -   "
 20 -   "
 10 - very little beam remaining
  5 - gone
 12 - little beam
 14 - narow but little
 16 - narrow with small tail in left side
 20 - again like full
100 - full (as reference for the eye)

Then similar with E02DSHG in arc dipole in mm
 -130 - full
  -60 - full
  -40 - gone
  -45 - very tiny
  -55 - full
  -50 - less beam
  -52 - similar
  -53 - no difference
  -58 - looks like full

Now add EEXDS1HG again with -16mm, no difference, so keep both in.
==> we cut in arc from both sides and on straight secton from both sides
    Intensity does not look different to scrapers out. 
    It looks like a bit less 70Se in ESR then 1h before, but maybe other reason.
Attachment 1: ESR-scraper-overview.jpg  74 kB  Uploaded Thu Jul 1 15:49:54 2021  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 2: scrapers-used.JPG  132 kB  Uploaded Fri Jul 2 12:06:58 2021  | Hide | Hide all
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