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  nuclear two-photon decay  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 202     Entry time: Fri Jul 2 07:31:44 2021
Author: The remote Canadian eager beavers (Iris and Guy) 
Category: Analysis 
Subject: 00h to 05h Summed Spectra 
Using the scripts I posted previously, I summed 5.5 hours of data from midnight to 5:30 July 2nd CEST. 
I used 10ms time steps for better time resolution, but that did leave questionable frequency resolution. If anyone would like to see higher resolved frequency plots for the 
full 5 hours, let me know.
I've attached the spectra from 0s to 4s  for the 410MHz and 0s to 2s for the 245MHz, including zooming in on the injection timing. 

Given that we are summing 5 hours of data so the background is very smooth, I can only conclude that either the isomer doesn't exit, we cannot resolve it, or we are 
producing incredibly low amounts such that the search needs to be needle in a haystack. 
Attachment 1: 245MHz-07.02.00-05h-sum_10ms.png  32 kB  Uploaded Fri Jul 2 08:40:19 2021  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: 245MHz-07.02.00-05h-sum_10ms_zoom.png  25 kB  Uploaded Fri Jul 2 08:40:42 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 3: 410MHz-07.02.00-05h-sum_10ms.png  43 kB  Uploaded Fri Jul 2 08:40:48 2021  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 4: 410MHz-07.02.00-05h-sum_10ms_zoom.png  27 kB  Uploaded Fri Jul 2 08:40:51 2021  | Show | Hide all | Show all
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