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  nuclear two-photon decay  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 24     Entry time: Fri May 7 01:49:03 2021
Author: Rui-Jiu Chen 
Category: DAQ 
Subject: Comparison of I_Raw/Q_Raw between different reference level  
This is a comparison of I_Raw/Q_Raw between different reference level. The range of NTCAP ADC is only 2^15 bit. So signals (I_Raw and Q_Raw) should 
not be outside ADC range. It is clear that there is not point outside the ADC range when using reference level -30dBm.
Attachment 1: 20210501_NTCAPPreparation.png  106 kB  Uploaded Fri May 7 02:51:10 2021  | Hide | Hide all
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