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  nuclear two-photon decay  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 8     Entry time: Thu May 6 00:32:57 2021
Author: Helmut Weick 
Category: Simulations 
Subject: GICOSY file for TE beamline and ESR 
This file has several options:
start in SIS, at TE3UF target or inside ESR, choose with GOTO LABEL (G L)after start system (S S).
Depending on the choice select different start beam parameters at top of file, others comment out.

There are also different optics setting with different quadrupoles:
- for TE beamline the standard and the mode by Hans for better focus on the target.
- for ESR a standard mode and variations of isochronous modes
also select by commenting in/out.

Input can be made also in units of K'L for fast import from parammodi, still by hand but with copy and paste.
One half of ESR is defined as a block, can be used more or less often (B I HALF ;)
Attachment 1: SIS-TE-ESR-isoc-std.dat  21 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 2: TE-ESR.JPG  95 kB  Uploaded Thu May 6 01:39:36 2021  | Show | Show all
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