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  nuclear two-photon decay  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sun May 9 05:38:29 2021, Iris, Chris G., Analysis, offset btw png and tiq files from server? comp-116.png
    Reply  Sun May 9 05:54:11 2021, Ragan, Analysis, offset btw png and tiq files from server? 
Message ID: 94     Entry time: Sun May 9 05:38:29 2021     Reply to this: 95
Author: Iris, Chris G. 
Category: Analysis 
Subject: offset btw png and tiq files from server? 
This might have been answered before but I looked at one png file and one tiq file from the same run that was stored on the server. There seems to be an offset of 2.2 s. The png file from the server (right) shows the injection at ~5s, whereas when I look at the tiq file in the GUI (left), the injection is at ~2.8 s???? Is the looper introducing this offset?
Attachment 1: comp-116.png  909 kB  Uploaded Sun May 9 06:40:14 2021  | Hide | Hide all
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