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  nuclear two-photon decay, Page 11 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Authordown Category Subject Text Attachments
  222   Fri Jul 2 23:09:22 2021 Dima, David, LilianaDAQNTCAP statusThe latest recorded tdms files:
  223   Sat Jul 3 00:59:01 2021 Dima, DavidDAQNTCAP statusThe latest recorded tdms files:
  225   Sat Jul 3 02:56:04 2021 Dima, DavidDAQNTCAP statusThe latest recorded tdms files:
  229   Sat Jul 3 04:58:34 2021 Dima, DavidDAQNTCAP statusThe latest recorded tdms files:
  232   Sat Jul 3 06:55:57 2021 Dima, DavidDAQNTCAP statusThe latest recorded tdms files:
  103   Sun May 9 12:53:01 2021 Desislava Kalaydjieva, Taka YamaguchiAnalysisAnalysis, Morning shift, 9 MayFor the whole morning shift there were no
significant changes in the spectra.
  163   Thu Jul 1 00:09:28 2021 David, LilianaGeneralLow beam intensity for few minutesFor few minutes (starting at 00:05) beam intensity
went down. Same as it was reported by the
previous shift. 
  164   Thu Jul 1 01:35:15 2021 David, LilianaGeneralIon source changeChanging ion source, no beam expected for
the next 30 minutes.
  165   Thu Jul 1 04:15:54 2021 David, LilianaGeneralBeam intensityFrom 4:05 to 4:15 beam intensity was 1/2 as
  122   Mon May 10 00:41:20 2021 Chris CAcceleratorno beamBeam gone ~0:34.
Working on getting it back.
Back in business ~0:57.
  125   Mon May 10 01:34:37 2021 Chris CGeneralZoom screenshotHow things look currently in Zoom-world.  Zoom_monitoring_2021-10-05_0131CET.PNG 
  126   Mon May 10 03:37:53 2021 Chris CAnalysisisomer? or wishful thinking?They are not easy to find, but we do occasionally
see what might be the isomer.
  59   Fri May 7 22:00:36 2021 ChrisAcceleratorbrief beam lossBrief interruption in beam, ~21:42-21:51.   
  60   Fri May 7 22:48:33 2021 ChrisGeneralstill running...In anticipation of the imminent shift change,
a snapshot of how things look.
  36   Fri May 7 08:04:22 2021 Carlo Bruno, Desislava KalaydjievaAnalysis7:00 - 14:00 analysis shift(See
for remote shifter instructions. To be updated/corrected
  175   Thu Jul 1 18:54:44 2021 Andrew, NicGeneralNTCap StatusThe latest recorded tdms files:
  47   Fri May 7 14:33:23 2021 Andrew Ragan Yuri GeneralBeam is back    
  172   Thu Jul 1 18:01:52 2021 Andrew Nic ShahabDAQChange triggers to 10%Change the triggers to 10%. Last files with
410MhZ 2021-.
  179   Thu Jul 1 20:35:21 2021 Andrew Nic ShahabDAQAcquisition stopped Checking if signal can be further amplified

  169   Thu Jul 1 16:27:57 2021 Andrew NicGeneralNTCAP parametersThe latest recorded tdms files:
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b