E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028
  nuclear two-photon decay, Page 2 of 11  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Fri Jul 2 15:03:37 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 14:18:04 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, Runs, Change of the measurment to 72Br 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 13:44:50 2021, Sergey, et al, Accelerator, El cooler 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 13:37:00 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, DAQ, Change of the measurement time from 10s to 20s 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 13:10:00 2021, Yuri, Accelerator, Scrapers 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 12:59:21 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 12:42:54 2021, Gregor, Analysis, Spectra 6:00-12:00 12x
Entry  Fri Jul 2 12:18:35 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, Accelerator, e-cooling 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 11:44:25 2021, Helmut, Yuri, Accelerator, move scrapers to see effect on unknown lines 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 10:47:56 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 08:54:12 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 07:31:44 2021, The remote Canadian eager beavers (Iris and Guy), Analysis, 00h to 05h Summed Spectra 245MHz-07.02.00-05h-sum_10ms.png245MHz-07.02.00-05h-sum_10ms_zoom.png410MHz-07.02.00-05h-sum_10ms.png410MHz-07.02.00-05h-sum_10ms_zoom.png
Entry  Fri Jul 2 01:34:03 2021, The remote Canadian beavers (Iris, Guy), Analysis, Summary of spectra 22:00-23:00 July1-22-23h-410MHz_Spectra_0.1s_steps.pngJuly1-22-23h-410MHz_Spectra_0.02s_steps_start_1s.pngSum_410MHz_May10-1-2am_5_0-5_175s.png
    Reply  Fri Jul 2 02:03:36 2021, The remote Canadian beavers (Iris, Guy), Analysis, Summary of spectra 0:00-1:00 July2-0-1h-410MHz_Spectra_0.02s_steps_start_1s.png
       Reply  Fri Jul 2 04:27:38 2021, The remote Canadian beavers (Iris and Guy), Analysis, Summary of spectra 0:00-4:00 (410 MHz) July2-0-4h-410MHz_Spectra_0.02s_steps_start_1s.png
          Reply  Fri Jul 2 06:33:48 2021, The remote Canadian beavers (Iris and Guy), Analysis, Summary of spectra 4:00-6:00 (410 MHz) July2-4-6h-410MHz_Spectra_0.02s_steps_start_1s.png
             Reply  Fri Jul 2 06:52:11 2021, The remote Canadian eager beavers (Iris and Guy), Analysis, Summary of spectra 0:00-6:00 (410 MHz) July2-4-0-6h-410MHz_AllSpectra_0.025s_steps_start_1.04s.png
Entry  Fri Jul 2 06:51:45 2021, Pavlos, Kanika, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 05:08:16 2021, Guy Leckenby (Canadian beaver team), Analysis, e143_analyser.py Summing Script e143_sum_ana.bashe143_comparison.C410MHz-07.01.22h-sum_20ms.png
Entry  Fri Jul 2 04:58:39 2021, IK, Kanika, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 03:19:49 2021, IK, KK, Runs, drop of intensity 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 03:10:03 2021, IK, KK, Runs, drop of intensity 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 01:43:56 2021, IK, KK, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 01:39:51 2021, IK, KK, Runs, drop of intensity 
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