E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038
  nuclear two-photon decay, Page 2 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sat May 8 21:10:24 2021, Michael, Ruijiu, Helmut, Yuri, Wolfram, Sergey, Shahab, Runs, started data taking with high resolution E143-245MHz-2021.
after optimizing the scrapers we have reached the highest possible resolution in the isochronous mode.

starting data taking with this new settings.

last files before this settings were:

245: 2021.
410: 2021.
Entry  Sat May 8 21:42:26 2021, All, Runs, Stop72Ge 
Entry  Sat May 8 22:06:36 2021, Michael, Ruijiu, Helmut, Yuri, Wolfram, Sergey, Shahab, Runs, stopped data taking with the high resolution 
last file names with this setting:

245: 2021.
410: 2021.
Entry  Sun May 9 02:19:04 2021, Jacobus, Shahab, Runs, First 52Mn run  
Run E143-245 MHz-2021. is the first run of the experiment on 52Mn.
Entry  Sun May 9 02:32:58 2021, Jacobus, Shahab, Runs, possible 52-Mn isomer E143-245MHz-2021.
the intensity of the line on the left side is so high, it is difficult to see the isomers in the middle as can be seen in the auto generated picture
Entry  Sun May 9 02:45:50 2021, Jacobus, Michele, Shahab, Runs, Example of possible 52.Mn isomer 52Mn_002.PNG
this is how it should look like
    Reply  Sun May 9 02:51:44 2021, Iris, Runs, Example of possible 52.Mn isomer 
So the "isomers" pop up at ~-600 Hz and +580 Hz... is the -600 Hz on the left the 378 keV isomer (21 min) and the +580 Hz on the right the g.s.?
    Reply  Sun May 9 03:24:12 2021, Iris (Shahab, Jacobus, Chris G., Michele), Runs, Example of possible 52.Mn isomer 
Short update from Yuri: these are not our isomers. These are 45Sc (left, 12 keV isomer not resolvable) and 75Br (center), and the right-most peak of the triplet is a satellite (has a different line shape, much narrower).

> So the "isomers" pop up at ~-600 Hz and +580 Hz... is the -600 Hz on the left the 378 keV isomer (21 min) and the +580 Hz on the right the g.s.?
Entry  Sun May 9 04:15:50 2021, Michele, Jacobus, Shahab, Runs, Beam issues for short duration 
ESR warning (colour red in the panel)

Operator intervention required. 

Runs affected by this issue: 

-from E143-245MHz-2021. (03:50) 
-to E143-245MHz-2021. (03:54) .  

    Reply  Sun May 9 05:11:55 2021, Iris (Chris G., Jacobus, Michele), Runs, First 52Mn run (no 52Mn unfortunately) 
> Run E143-245 MHz-2021. is the first run of the experiment on 52Mn.

And Run E143-410MHz-2021.	from 2021-05-09 03:27 is the first run on the 410 MHz detector. Started a bit later than the 245 MHz detector.
    Reply  Sun May 9 06:15:09 2021, Iris, Chris G., Jacobus, Michele, Runs, Triplet: zoom in 116-triplet.png
Zoom into the triplet: the satellite peaks on the right are clearly visible.
This is just one file but one *might* see some substructure. Yuri mentioned a 318 ms isomer in 45Sc at 12 keV but that cannot be resolved.

Maybe someone can look at the added-up ROOT files if that looks better or is just statistics?

> Short update from Yuri: these are not our isomers. These are 45Sc (left, 12 keV isomer not resolvable) and 75Br (center), and the right-most peak of the triplet is a satellite (has a different line shape, much narrower).
Entry  Sun May 9 13:15:38 2021, Liliana Andrew, Runs, Stopped data taking during modifications for the beam energy Screenshot_2021-05-09_13-25-26.png
Beam energy to be increase to move Mn into the ring. 
First step we set the energy to 445 MeV. 
The effect of the change can be seen on the plot: Right is how it was before and left after the change. 
Entry  Sun May 9 16:19:06 2021, Rodostina, Oliver, Wolfram, Shahab, Runs, Setting to 52Mn ???? 
first filename in this recording:

Entry  Sun May 9 18:41:33 2021, Rodostina, Oliver, Wolfram, Helmut, Yuri, Shahab, Runs, stopped data taking for energy change 
last recorded filename:


410 was not recording data in this period.
Entry  Sun May 9 19:03:02 2021, Rodostina, Oliver, Wolfram, Helmut, Yuri, Shahab, Runs, quadrupoles were down, fixed. 
Entry  Sun May 9 20:39:17 2021, Shahab, Runs, Subtracting the background spectrum_subtraction.png
still in the search of 70-Se
Entry  Sun May 9 23:28:25 2021, Kanika, Alex, Wolfram, Helmut, Shahab, Runs, return with the Ge setting of the last night 
starting filenames:


Entry  Mon May 10 06:16:31 2021, Kanika, Alex, Shahab, Runs, Recording broad band spectra with 410 
doing some broadband spectra recording with the 410 MHz detector, for the purpose of future confirmation of identification lines.
Entry  Mon May 10 06:35:58 2021, Kanika, Alex, Shahab, Runs, going back to shot by shot recording with 410 detector 
going back to shot by shot recording with 410 detector
Entry  Tue Jun 29 21:10:30 2021, Shahab, Runs, 72-Ge setting 
the new setting is roughly 400 khz lower in frequency.
Previous beam time Ge was on 243.100 now it is on 242.74

we decided to use the higher harmonic:

expecting it on 244.66 MHz
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b