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  nuclear two-photon decay, Page 6 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Subject
  134   Thu Jun 24 22:05:11 2021 Helmut WeickAcceleratorLISE files for 72Ge, 70Se, 52Mn settings
This is just a Brho selection by the ESR based on SIS-energy used, 
energy-loss in target with calibrated thickness and momentum spread by the reaction (Goldhaber formula).
Production cross sections are by EPAX 3.1
  133   Mon May 10 08:49:01 2021 Kanika, Alex, RuiJiuGeneralEnd of the measurement
The beam was stopped at about 08:40.
  132   Mon May 10 07:13:20 2021 Iris (Chris C., Jeff C.)AnalysisComparison between 72Ge: 10th 5-6am on 410 MHz
Same as before for 5-6 am.
Peak still there, maybe a bit less than before.

> Same as before but for 4-5am on 410 MHz detector. Peak visible.
> > Same as before, but for 410 MHz detectors.
> > Peaks visible in the 3rd-5th slice.
> > 
> > 
> > > > Following Xiangcheng Chen's analysis, I analysed 11 ms time slices separated by 25 ms to see the evolution of the potential isomer across the injection.
> > > > 
> > > > Attachment 1: Data from May 7th 19h-20h. -t 11ms progression from -s=5 to -s=5.175
> > > > Attachment 2: Data from May 8th 21h-22h. -t 11ms progression from -s=5 to -s=5.175
> > > > 
> > > > The extra resolution gained on the 8th (and potentially other settings too) make the isomer visible where it wasn't present on the 7th.
> > > 
> > > Hi, attached is the sum of all spectra from 1-2am on May 10th, on the 245 MHz detector. Takes me forever to download everything...
> > > I used the same parameters as Guy and Xiancheng: LFRAMES = 512 (in analyzer); -t 0.011 (= 11 ms) -s 5 ... 5.175 s.
> > > 
> > > Resolution looks good... :-)
  131   Mon May 10 06:35:58 2021 Kanika, Alex, ShahabRunsgoing back to shot by shot recording with 410 detector
going back to shot by shot recording with 410 detector
  130   Mon May 10 06:22:15 2021 Iris (Chris C., Jeff C.)AnalysisComparison between 72Ge: 10th 1-2am on 410 MHz
Same as before but for 4-5am on 410 MHz detector. Peak visible.

> Same as before, but for 410 MHz detectors.
> Peaks visible in the 3rd-5th slice.
> > > Following Xiangcheng Chen's analysis, I analysed 11 ms time slices separated by 25 ms to see the evolution of the potential isomer across the injection.
> > > 
> > > Attachment 1: Data from May 7th 19h-20h. -t 11ms progression from -s=5 to -s=5.175
> > > Attachment 2: Data from May 8th 21h-22h. -t 11ms progression from -s=5 to -s=5.175
> > > 
> > > The extra resolution gained on the 8th (and potentially other settings too) make the isomer visible where it wasn't present on the 7th.
> > 
> > Hi, attached is the sum of all spectra from 1-2am on May 10th, on the 245 MHz detector. Takes me forever to download everything...
> > I used the same parameters as Guy and Xiancheng: LFRAMES = 512 (in analyzer); -t 0.011 (= 11 ms) -s 5 ... 5.175 s.
> > 
> > Resolution looks good... :-)
  129   Mon May 10 06:16:31 2021 Kanika, Alex, ShahabRunsRecording broad band spectra with 410
doing some broadband spectra recording with the 410 MHz detector, for the purpose of future confirmation of identification lines.
  128   Mon May 10 05:25:29 2021 Iris (Chris C., Jeff C.)AnalysisComparison between 72Ge: 10th 1-2am on 410 MHz
Same as before, but for 410 MHz detectors.
Peaks visible in the 3rd-5th slice.

> > Following Xiangcheng Chen's analysis, I analysed 11 ms time slices separated by 25 ms to see the evolution of the potential isomer across the injection.
> > 
> > Attachment 1: Data from May 7th 19h-20h. -t 11ms progression from -s=5 to -s=5.175
> > Attachment 2: Data from May 8th 21h-22h. -t 11ms progression from -s=5 to -s=5.175
> > 
> > The extra resolution gained on the 8th (and potentially other settings too) make the isomer visible where it wasn't present on the 7th.
> Hi, attached is the sum of all spectra from 1-2am on May 10th, on the 245 MHz detector. Takes me forever to download everything...
> I used the same parameters as Guy and Xiancheng: LFRAMES = 512 (in analyzer); -t 0.011 (= 11 ms) -s 5 ... 5.175 s.
> Resolution looks good... :-)
  127   Mon May 10 04:08:13 2021 Iris (Chris C., Jeff C.)AnalysisComparison between 72Ge: 10th 1-2am on 245 MHz
> Following Xiangcheng Chen's analysis, I analysed 11 ms time slices separated by 25 ms to see the evolution of the potential isomer across the injection.
> Attachment 1: Data from May 7th 19h-20h. -t 11ms progression from -s=5 to -s=5.175
> Attachment 2: Data from May 8th 21h-22h. -t 11ms progression from -s=5 to -s=5.175
> The extra resolution gained on the 8th (and potentially other settings too) make the isomer visible where it wasn't present on the 7th.

Hi, attached is the sum of all spectra from 1-2am on May 10th, on the 245 MHz detector. Takes me forever to download everything...
I used the same parameters as Guy and Xiancheng: LFRAMES = 512 (in analyzer); -t 0.011 (= 11 ms) -s 5 ... 5.175 s.

Resolution looks good... :-)
  126   Mon May 10 03:37:53 2021 Chris CAnalysisisomer? or wishful thinking?
They are not easy to find, but we do occasionally see what might be the isomer.
  125   Mon May 10 01:34:37 2021 Chris CGeneralZoom screenshot
How things look currently in Zoom-world.
  124   Mon May 10 01:01:59 2021 Kanika, Alex, RuiJiuGeneralBeam is back
The issue has been resolved and the beam is back since 00:56.
  123   Mon May 10 00:51:38 2021 Kanika, Alex, RuiJiuGeneralNo beam in SIS
The beam was lost in SIS about 5 mins ago due to the failure of HF cavities. Operators are trying to solve the problem.
  122   Mon May 10 00:41:20 2021 Chris CAcceleratorno beam
Beam gone ~0:34.
Working on getting it back.
Back in business ~0:57.
  121   Mon May 10 00:08:26 2021 Rui-Jiu ChenDAQChange reference level to -60dBm
Start a new run. The data of new run is in :
  120   Mon May 10 00:00:49 2021 Ragan, Rui-JiuDAQChange reference level to -70dBm
Start a new run. The data of new run is in :
  119   Sun May 9 23:59:26 2021 Rui-Jiu ChenDAQStart a new run.
Start a new run. The data of new run is in :
reference level = -50dBm.
  118   Sun May 9 23:32:24 2021 HelmutAcceleratorparammodi saves
Here are parammodi saves for TE-line and ESR for all four fragment settings:
For the first run of 72Ge (7.May) I do not have files.

2021-05-09_11-22-51_SIS18_FAST_20210506_ESR_78KR32.C1.txt:# Context: SIS18_FAST_20210506_ESR_78KR32.C1 E143 52Mn
2021-05-09_11-23-12_ESR_EXP21_06_ISO_78Kr_05May21.C1.txt:# Context: ESR_EXP21_06_ISO_78Kr_05May21.C1 E143 52Mn
2021-05-09_15-46-52_ESR_EXP21_06_ISO_78Kr_05May21.C1.txt:# Context: ESR_EXP21_06_ISO_78Kr_05May21.C1 E143 52Mn-2
2021-05-09_15-47-16_SIS18_FAST_20210506_ESR_78KR32.C1.txt:# Context: SIS18_FAST_20210506_ESR_78KR32.C1 E143 52Mn-2
2021-05-09_19-43-28_ESR_EXP21_06_ISO_78Kr_05May21.C1.txt:# Context: ESR_EXP21_06_ISO_78Kr_05May21.C1 E143 70Se
2021-05-09_19-43-45_SIS18_FAST_20210506_ESR_78KR32.C1.txt:# Context: SIS18_FAST_20210506_ESR_78KR32.C1 E143 70Se
2021-05-09_22-23-23_ESR_EXP21_06_ISO_78Kr_05May21.C1.txt:# Context: ESR_EXP21_06_ISO_78Kr_05May21.C1 E143 72Ge
2021-05-09_22-23-37_SIS18_FAST_20210506_ESR_78KR32.C1.txt:# Context: SIS18_FAST_20210506_ESR_78KR32.C1 E143 72Ge
  117   Sun May 9 23:28:25 2021 Kanika, Alex, Wolfram, Helmut, ShahabRunsreturn with the Ge setting of the last night
starting filenames:


  116   Sun May 9 23:24:49 2021 Helmut, Wolfram, YuriAcceleratorscraper optmisation for 72Ge
We tried the scrapers a bit, because right of peak some background appeared.

The GE01DS_HI shows a strange effect,
normal -65mm gives good resolution, -30mm kills the beam, but even more in at -15 there is beam again.
We suppose the scraper is not massive but has an empty space behind it.
GE01DS_HA has no effect even at +0V.
Therefore, put I to -100mm and also use GE01DS3HG (from outside),set to -55mm.
Then also the straight section EEXDS2HA from + 8mm to +10mm (a bit more closed).
  115   Sun May 9 22:31:23 2021 Helmut, Wolfram, YuriAcceleratorchange to 72Ge
we change back to 72Ge
just change SIS-energy       E = 441.0 MeV/u
beamline energy after target E = 392.9 MeV/u
set ESR to A=72, Z=32 (72Ge)
--> good injection and resolution in ESR, at old frequencies
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