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  Laser Cooling Experiment 2021  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 26     Entry time: Wed May 12 22:48:25 2021
Author: Sebastian 
Category: General 
Subject: DSG Control SCPI Commands 
Open Ultra Sigma
Press LAN
Press Search, after a while the whole rigol devices are shown. Press ok
Than you see the DSG821 ( as online
right click -> open SCPI Command Terminal

*IDN?                 check for remote control
:FREQ 1.291MHz        set the RF Frequency to 1.291MHz
:FREQ?                return current frequency
:LEV 0.2V             set the amplitude to 200mV
:LEV?                 return current amplitude
:OUTP ON / OFF        set RF output ON or OFF
:OUTP?                returns 0 if output is OFF, returns 1 if output is ON

after some time there is an automatic logout of the scpi command panel. Close the panel and reopen the SCPI Command Terminal again to reconnect to DSG821 Signalgenerator. 
If this does not work, close the whole ultra sigma program, also in the taskbar (right click -> exit) and execute Ultra Sigma Program again
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b