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  Laser Cooling Experiment 2021  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 50     Entry time: Fri May 14 08:55:53 2021
Author: Sebastian 
Category: General 
Subject: ToDO 14.5 ...so far 
1.) ion lasser overlap and scraper test

2.) change bunching frequency to middle of ecooled coasting beam

3.) long time measurements see labbook HKR
3.1) try ecooler on/off ; bunch on / off ; laser fixed on / off ; laser scanning on / off ; try different bunching amplitudes (MAX :LEV 0.25V) ; try other h = 10, 7, etc...
3.2) Dont forget to plug in the schottky trigger -> maybe change acquisition and analysis time if needed

4.) XUV detector tests
4.1.) laser - bunch timing by checking xuv anode signal
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b