E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038 E0075
  nuclear two-photon decay 2024, Page 3 of 6  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Fri May 17 19:43:03 2024, Jelena B, Zsolt P., Shahab, David, Analysis, + Beam issues beam.png
Important - analysis 
-> we are trying to get PID with a new setting to see if 98Zr decays with 30s half-life
--> we are taking 1 min cycles 
---> strongest line does not corespondents to 96Sr38+ as it decays very fast (few seconds) and we observe long-lived one - still we have to confirm this 

----> analysis is still ongoing 

We lost the beam at 19:35

Entry  Fri May 17 17:50:49 2024, Jelena B, Zsolt P., Shahab, DAQ, new trigger events new_style_trigger.png
From 17:49 we have super short trigger. - see attached setting! 
Entry  Fri May 17 17:09:26 2024, Helmut, Yury, Accelerator, approx. 96Sr setting (98Zr39+) TEline-ESR-100Mo_98Mo39.lpp
Only 96Sr would yield very few line with only ions from time to time.
So we went a bit lower in Brho 7.69 Tm -> 7.65 Tm.
The setting is calculated as a 98Mo39+.
E-SIS = 455.3 MeV/ for 100Mo,
after target 98Mo now with 39+ gives 7.6500 Tm.
In ESR also 39+.
In LISE we get the same average gamma as before for 98Zr (gamma = 1.40082).

The 98Zr was also entered as a 98Mo40+-
Entry  Fri May 17 17:08:24 2024, Jelena B, Zsolt P., Runs, New setting from 5p.m.  

All runs from 17:00 are with new setting, due to changing the directory - transfer from old to new one around 200 runs.
Entry  Fri May 17 17:03:39 2024, Helmut, Yury, Accelerator, approx. 96Sr setting 
Only 96Sr would yield very few line with only ions from tiem to time.
So we went a bit lower in Brho 7.69 Tm -> 7.65 Tm.
The setting is calculated as a 98Mo39+.
E-SIS = 455.3 MeV/ for 100Mo.
after target 98Mo now with 39+ gives 7.6500 Tm.
In ESR also 39+.
In LISE we get the same average gamma as before for 98Zr (gamma = 1.40082).
Entry  Fri May 17 16:42:00 2024, Jelena B, Zsolt P., General, Beam back 
Beam is back at 16:38.

We are changing the setting.
Entry  Fri May 17 16:34:43 2024, Jelena B, Zsolt P., General, Beam issues 2024-05-17_16-38-18-294.png
We lost beam at 16:29. 
Cooler has to be investigated. 
Entry  Fri May 17 05:48:33 2024, Ahmed, Zidarova, Kalaidjieva, Runs, Beam stopped sc6_1.png
HHT have more problems and need to enter the cave, beam is stopped for some time
Beam stop: 05:46
Beam back 6:31
Entry  Fri May 17 00:15:24 2024, Ahmed, Zidarova, Kalaidjieva, Runs, Beam gone sc01.png
HHT called and said they have problems and need to enter the cave, so they stop the beam for some time
Beam Stop 00:10
Beam back 01:01
Entry  Thu May 16 23:08:34 2024, Ahmed, Zidarova, Runs, Beam dropped sc23.png
Beam dropped between 23:00 and 23:05
Entry  Thu May 16 21:51:22 2024, Ide, Hubbard, Runs, Intensity back to previous values 2024-05-16_21-50-03-610_tcl1064.png
since 21:48 particle intensities increased to again to 1.5E9
Entry  Thu May 16 21:40:20 2024, Ide, Hubbard, Runs, Intensity drop 2024-05-16_21-39-15-586_tcl1064.png
Intensity in particles dropped from 21:33
Entry  Thu May 16 21:26:50 2024, Ide, Hubbard, Runs, Intensity back to previous values 2024-05-16_21-25-58-167_tcl1064.png
since 21:20 the intensity is back to 1.5E9
Entry  Thu May 16 21:13:18 2024, Ide, Hubbard, Runs, Intensity drop 2024-05-16_21-14-16-081_tcl1064.png2024-05-16_21-19-10-213_tcl1064.png
The intensity dropped at 21:10 from ~ 1.6E9 down to ~ 8E8
Entry  Thu May 16 19:10:27 2024, Ide, Hubbard, Xinliang, David, Shahab, Runs, New Run setting for Zr Isomer hunt 
19:10 runs from now on run with an optimized setting:

we did a lot of optimization for the hunt of Zr isomer:

1- increased the time as much as possible, but stay within the 1:1 cycle with FRS
2- increased the sampling rate from 6.25 MSPS to 50 MSPS (!) going down to very short recording times --> 300ms only

We are now taking data with this settings for about half an hour.
Entry  Thu May 16 18:55:38 2024, Ide, Hubbard, General, new timing cycle 
new timing cycle of 6.7s
Entry  Thu May 16 18:33:30 2024, Ide, Hubbard, Runs, Beam returned to ESR 2024-05-16_18-34-38-913_tcl1064.png2024-05-16_18-40-42-870_tcl1064.png
Beam is back at 18:32 
now in the particle plot the peaks seem to be more isolated than before (see attachment 1)
since 18:36 it looks like before (see attachment 2)
Entry  Thu May 16 18:28:31 2024, Ide, Hubbard, Runs, No beam to ESR 2024-05-16_18-30-23-344_tcl1064.png
beam issues between 18:23-18:26
and beam completely lost from 18:27 till 18:32
in the SIS an issue with a dipole occured
Entry  Thu May 16 16:45:33 2024, Ide, Hubbard, Runs, Beam returned to ESR 
beam is back
Entry  Thu May 16 16:43:29 2024, Yuri, Accelerator, HHT 
HHT sees radiation from us. We stop for 10 min for them to see the speed with which the radiation level decreases.
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b