Thu Jun 20 11:26:14 2024, Shahab, Ragan, Runs, NTCAP started
NTCAP started with 2 MS BW. |
Thu Jun 6 10:09:27 2024, Jan, General, NECTAR ELOG @ LP2i
The main elog for this experiment is on the LP2i webpage:
Wed Jun 12 12:28:07 2024, Jan, DAQ, TPAT and TRIGGER mapping
The trigger pattern (TPAT) of the TRLO module assigns different TPATs for each combination of logically linked incoming triggers.
Our list of incoming triggers on the ECL & LEMO inputs of the TRLO is the following:
Fri Jun 28 15:44:36 2024, Jan, Accelerator, ESR pattern
Attached is the ESR pattern of the experiment.
SC2: one shot injection
Tue Jun 25 04:24:55 2024, Bertram, Mathias, Runs, Run 215
We use this elog as a substitute as the one from LP2iB is temporarily down.
Run 215 started at 4:28
Peak target density: 3.78e13
Num of injected
ions: 1.2e8
Num of cooled & decelerated ions: 5.4e7
HV DE 90 V
Current DE 185 nA
HV E 300 V
Current E 3.645 uA
Peak rate before
DT (tpat 0) 3
Peak rate after DT (tpat 0) 3
Fission trigger:
Peak rate before DT (tpat 1) 388
Peak rate after DT (tpat 1) 321
Delay of trig |