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  Bound beta decay experiment on Tl-205  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 103     Entry time: Mon Mar 30 20:51:06 2020
Author: Ragan 
Category: Detectors 
Subject: Bias Voltage for Si-pads 
The limit of the leakage current for all Si pads was increased from 1500 nA to 5000nA and 
leakage current was recorded for different Bias Voltages (32V, 35V, 40V, 45V, 50V, 55V 
and 60V).
Since, I_leakage remains < 3 uA for 60 V, it is decided to increase the Bias Voltage for 
all the Si-pads from 32 V to 60 V.
For DSSD and CsI, bias voltages remains same (-50V and -160V respectively).
Attachment 1: Si_pad_bias-voltage.ods  38 kB  Uploaded Mon Mar 30 21:51:19 2020
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