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  proton-capture on 118Te  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 129     Entry time: Sat Mar 21 13:44:16 2020
Author: Pierre-Michel 
Category: Detectors 
Subject: Recoil detector 
We turn on Recoil detector, to use it as a monitor for target overlap.

MCP front -2500 V for highest signal rate. 
(Used to be -2250 V during previous beam time.)

DAQ triggered with 1 kHz clock in 2nd trigger input.
(2nd trigger used to be x-rays in previous beam time.)

The picture shows the increase of the Recoil rate when increasing the voltage from 2250 V to 2500 V in steps of 50 V. The last shot was taken without beam, so just target on.
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