E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028
  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 22 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sat Mar 21 22:59:09 2020, Sergiy,Ruijiu , Runs, run entry - run068,  
open file : run068

beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER is back again--> We expect to cut the Rutherford for now on.

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 22:54 , first file: run068_0001.lmd
run stop  at : , last file:  run067_0xxx.lmd


time: 22:54 pm.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:   1 Hz
Xray_90:   48 Hz
Xray_145:  17 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.01 V  
Si leakage current:  4.06 uA

SIS particles before:           ~3.0e9
ESR particles at injection:     n.n.
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              5.23e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 22:57:28 2020, Laszlo, Jan, DAQ, changing cables of the Xray 90 and 145,  
Energy signals of 90 and 145 degree detector have been checked and exchanged
They were connected to the wrong ADC channel.

E_Xray2 and t_Xray2 should belong to 90 degree
E_Xray3 and t_Xray3 belong to 145 degree
Entry  Sat Mar 21 21:41:29 2020, Sergiy,Ruijiu , Runs, run entry - run067,  
open file : run067

beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER is back again--> We expect to cut the Rutherford for now on.

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 20:41 , first file: run067_0001.lmd
run stop  at 21:40 , last file:  run066_0xxx.lmd


time: 21:12 pm.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:   4 Hz
Xray_90:   29 Hz
Xray_145:  25 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.01 V  
Si leakage current:  4.08 uA

SIS particles before:           ~2.5e9
ESR particles at injection:     n.n.
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              6.e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 21:36:06 2020, Jan, Runs, target incident,  run67_target_incident.png
in run 66 or 67 we had a single ESR cycle for which the target didn't switch off for new injection and deceleration etc.
Very likely the DAQ also didn't get an OFF signal and collected OFF data to the TRIGGER=1 (ON data) branch.
As a consequence we collected about ~100 counts on the Si in one shot, which was about ~20 counts before this shot.

1.picture of the target density and beam current at this time.
Entry  Sat Mar 21 21:11:46 2020, Sergiy,Ruijiu , Runs, run entry - run067,  
open file : run067

beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER is back again--> We expect to cut the Rutherford for now on.

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 20:41 , first file: run067_0001.lmd
run stop  at 20:39 , last file:  run066_0xxx.lmd


time: 21:12 pm.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:   4 Hz
Xray_90:   29 Hz
Xray_145:  25 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.01 V  
Si leakage current:  4.08 uA

SIS particles before:           ~2.5e9
ESR particles at injection:     n.n.
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              6.e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 20:39:38 2020, Sergiy,Ruijiu , Runs, run entry - run067,  
open file : run067

beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER is back again--> We expect to cut the Rutherford for now on.

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 20:41 , first file: run067_0001.lmd
run stop  at 20:39 , last file:  run066_0xxx.lmd


time: 20:41 pm.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:   2 Hz
Xray_90:   43 Hz
Xray_145:  35 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.01 V  
Si leakage current:  4.08 uA

SIS particles before:           ~2.9e9
ESR particles at injection:     n.n.
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              6.43e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 20:11:59 2020, Sergiy, Runs, run entry - run066,  
open file : run066

beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER is back again--> We expect to cut the Rutherford for now on.

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 19:42 , first file: run066_0001.lmd
run stop  at  , last file:  run065_0xxx.lmd


time: 20:12 pm.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:   4 Hz
Xray_90:   28 Hz
Xray_145:  14 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.01 V  
Si leakage current:  4.08 uA

SIS particles before:           ~2.9e9
ESR particles at injection:     n.n.
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              6.5e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 19:42:33 2020, Sergiy, Runs, run entry - run066,  
open file : run066

beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER is back again--> We expect to cut the Rutherford for now on.

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 19:42 , first file: run066_0001.lmd
run stop  at  , last file:  run065_0xxx.lmd


time: 19:42 pm.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:   2 Hz
Xray_90:   27 Hz
Xray_145:  19 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.07 uA

SIS particles before:           ~3.1e9
ESR particles at injection:     n.n.
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              6.9e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 19:11:33 2020, Sergiy, Runs, run entry - run065,  
open file : run065

beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER is back again--> We expect to cut the Rutherford for now on.

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 18:42 , first file: run065_0001.lmd
run stop  at 19:42 , last file:  run064_0xxx.lmd


time: 19:12 pm.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:   5 Hz
Xray_90:   22 Hz
Xray_145:  22 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.08 uA

SIS particles before:           ~2.6e9
ESR particles at injection:     n.n.
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              6.9e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 18:42:43 2020, Sergiy, Runs, run entry - run065,  
open file : run065

beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER is back again--> We expect to cut the Rutherford for now on.

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 18:42 , first file: run065_0001.lmd
run stop  at  , last file:  run064_0xxx.lmd


time: 18:42 pm.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:   3 Hz
Xray_90:   30 Hz
Xray_145:  15 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.08 uA

SIS particles before:           ~3.1e9
ESR particles at injection:     n.n.
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              6.8e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 18:13:22 2020, Shahab, General, rough comparison gas target off and on,  target_effect.jpg
rough comparison of life time at 10 MeV/u when target off with on. more noise in background means weaker signal.
Entry  Sat Mar 21 18:13:22 2020, Sergiy, Runs, run entry - run064,  
open file : run064

beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER is back again--> We expect to cut the Rutherford for now on.

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 17:42 , first file: run064_0001.lmd
run stop  at  , last file:  run064_0xxx.lmd


time: 18:12 pm.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:   1 Hz
Xray_90:   35 Hz
Xray_145:  14 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.10 uA

SIS particles before:           ~3.1e9
ESR particles at injection:     n.n.
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              7e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 17:34:10 2020, Sergiy, General, Recoils,  
We started recording the data from the recoils using the MCP from Pierre-Michael's experiment. 
17:30 File opened: recoils1662.lmd.
data is stored at lxg1299: data.local2/hillenbrand/Laszlo
Entry  Sat Mar 21 17:32:12 2020, Sergiy, Runs, run entry - run064,  
open file : run064

beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON. The target is back ON at 7e13.

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 17:30 , first file: run064_0001.lmd
run stop  at 15:04:21 , last file:  run064_0xxx.lmd


time: 17:30 pm.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:   2 Hz
Xray_90:   25 Hz
Xray_145:  30 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.10 uA

SIS particles before:           ~2e9
ESR particles at injection:     estimated ~1e6
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              1.52e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 17:30:08 2020, Sergiy, Runs, run entry - run064,  
beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 17:30 , first file: run064_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xx_0xxx.lmd


time: 17:30 .

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:    2-3 Hz
Xray_90:   29 Hz
Xray_145:  17 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.04 uA

SIS particles before:           2.5e9
ESR particles at injection:     estimated ~1.3e6
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              1.34e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 17:21:57 2020, Laszlo, General, new Target density,  
Ulli and Nikos managed to set the target density to ~7E13  at 51K temperature

The cycle is checked again, it seems fine.
Entry  Sat Mar 21 15:30:34 2020, Sergiy, General, go into the ESR,  
We are going into the ESR to check the electronics.
Use calibration sources (133Ba etc).
Entry  Sat Mar 21 15:26:49 2020, Laszlo, General, SCRAPER is ON use again,  
Yuri puts back the scraper (Egelhof 1 - GE01DD1IG) into position = +19. (where it was in the evening)
Entry  Sat Mar 21 15:23:57 2020, Sergiy, Runs, run entry - run063,  
open file : run063

beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON, we had to stop becasue Ulli was noticing some strange effects with the target density. He needs now time to optimize that.

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 15:04 , first file: run063_0001.lmd
run stop  at 15:04:21 , last file:  run063_0xxx.lmd


time: 15:04 pm.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:   2 Hz
Xray_90:   25 Hz
Xray_145:  30 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.10 uA

SIS particles before:           ~2e9
ESR particles at injection:     estimated ~1e6
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              1.52e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 14:52:05 2020, Laszlo, General, target optimization,  IMG_20200321_145105.jpgIMG_20200321_145059.jpg
previous position of the beam at target was -3mm (for the night position)
max. intensity position of the beam at target 1s -1mm. --> now it is set to this position

now Ulli also increasing the density of the jet. Right now Ulli is warming the noozle. --> takes 1hour roughly.
Earlier: 1.4E13
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b