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  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 26 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Category Subject Year Text Attachments
  73   Fri Mar 20 05:03:03 2020 ShahabRunsrun entry - run046 beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 10 MeV/u
  72   Fri Mar 20 04:32:22 2020 ShahabRunsrun entry - run046 beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 10 MeV/u
  71   Fri Mar 20 04:29:45 2020 JanDAQDAQ settings for the first night    e127.trlomain.cfgr3bfuser.cfgsetting.1584673412 
  70   Fri Mar 20 01:36:48 2020 LaszloGeneral124Xe primary beam at 10Mev TargetON We didmt see any effect on the lifetime if
the target is switched on. It is because
we use only hydrogen target (but why 
  69   Fri Mar 20 01:22:23 2020 ShahabRunsSetting for Gas target Setting for the machines.  IMG_20200320_012048.jpg 
  68   Fri Mar 20 01:21:00 2020 LaszloGeneraltarget is switched on event based     
  67   Fri Mar 20 01:11:58 2020 LaszloGeneralTarget - beam jntersection We have managed to find the target position
with the beam by looking at the xray spectra.
The trick was that at 10mev we 
  66   Thu Mar 19 23:48:56 2020 LaszloGeneral124Xe primary beam at 10Mev TargetOFF Beam lifetime is estimated to be 11sec at
least (hard to.see with the cursor the corrct
values on the shottky monitor) 
  65   Thu Mar 19 19:14:40 2020 LaszloGeneralprimary beam measurement Now our aim is to decelerate the primary beam
(naked 124Xe) down to 10MeV/u. At this energy
we can test our detectors and that how the
  64   Thu Mar 19 15:09:29 2020 JanGeneralstarting off with DSSSD here is my short guide how to start with the
measurement as soon as we have a beam available.
  63   Thu Mar 19 09:43:28 2020 LaszloGeneralStatus of the ESR After two days of tuning the beam, yesterday
evening (~8pm), it was found out that within
one ESR pattern using the new control system
  62   Wed Mar 18 09:53:28 2020 Laszlo, JanGeneralvacuum after opening gate valve Gate valve to DSSSD setup was opened on Tue
17.03. ~9:00
  61   Tue Mar 17 11:44:58 2020 JanRunsrun entry - template  beam: 118Te52+
energy: 7.4 MeV/u
  60   Tue Mar 17 08:15:49 2020 JanGeneralcurrent grids & screen in TE  measured beam diagnosis with 124Xe48+ at 326
  59   Mon Mar 16 15:15:22 2020 JanCalibrationGamma- and X-ray intensities for efficiency calib Intensities for special gamma or x-ray lines
needed for efficiency calibration can be
found here:
  58   Sun Mar 15 21:01:23 2020 LaszloCalibrationrun044 - Xray35 calib Ba133 - a night long run  Detector: 35
Source: Ba133
Distance: 334mm
  56   Sun Mar 15 20:26:08 2020 LaszloCalibrationrun043 - Xray35 calib Am241 Detector: 35
Source: Am241
Distance: 334mm
  55   Sun Mar 15 19:46:34 2020 LaszloCalibrationrun042 - Xray35 calib Ba133 - high rate Detector: 35
Source: Ba133, strong source
Distance: 334mm
  54   Sun Mar 15 19:22:58 2020 LaszloCalibrationrun041 - Xray145 calib Ba133 - high rate Detector: 145
Source: Ba133
Distance: 305mm
  53   Sun Mar 15 18:53:42 2020 LaszloCalibrationrun040 - Xray145 calib Am241 Detector: 145
Source: Am241
Distance: 305mm
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