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  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 29 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Wed Jun 5 11:29:13 2019, Jan, Detectors, position/channel calib.,  
This is the first position calibration done with the detector installed in the holder. The goal is to assign rough positions (top/bottom/left/right) to PreAmp- and Shaper-channels.

PreAmp Channel polarity position
1-1 (Y-1) neg. bottom
1-16 (Y-16) neg. top
2-1 (X-1) pos. left (close to beam)
2-16 (X-16) pos. right (far from beam)
Entry  Fri Apr 5 06:05:55 2019, Jan, DAQ, making changes to the DAQ ,  
If you need to add or change a module of the VME crate you need to follow this proceedure:

1. stop DRASI
2. add/change module in esrdaq_2018/r4l-58/main.cfg 
   a. add module name and VME address: CAEN_V830 (0x00A00000) {}
   b. use BARRIER keyword between the modules
3. restart DRASI (e.g. ./pulser.sh)
4. check empty unpacker data output
   > empty --stream=r4l-58 --print --data
   should run without error and now have your new module event data
5. adjust unpacker in ~/e127/unpackexps/esr
   a. make sure you have a .spec file defining readout of you module, e.g. "vme_caen_v775.spec" 
   b. edit main_user_esr.spec
      - add module as e.g. "tdc[0] = VME_CAEN_V775(geom=0x2, crate=0);"
      - select "geom=0x1" value according to ascending order of all modules (0x1, 0x2, 0x3, ...)
   c. edit det_mapping.hh 
      - add SIGNAL() keyword for your module
      - e.g.: SIGNAL( TDC_1, esr.tdc[0].data[0],TDC_32, esr.tdc[0].data[31], DATA12); 
      - choose data format, e.g. "DATA12", as specified in module .spec-file
   d. compile your unpacker: 
      > make -j
   e. try it out:
      > ./esr --stream=r4l-58 --print --data
      - should run without errors 
      > ./esr --stream=r4l-58 --ntuple=RAW,/dir/file.root
      - root-file should have your new branches with your module data
Entry  Fri Apr 5 05:46:20 2019, Jan, DAQ, running DRASI for (p,g),  
We now have a drasi DAQ running for our (p,g) experiments.
The RIO we have it installed right now is: r4l-58
It shall be used with the user <litv-exp>

The DAQ-controle shall be done from lxg1275 inside a SCREEN SESSION named "daq"
tab 0 >> drasi 
tab 1 >> logger
tab 2 >> rate
tab 3 >> stream server
tab 4 >> file writing (optional)

To check and control running daq:

login on lxg1275
> ssh litv-exp@lxg1275

enter screen session
> screen -x daq

go to tab 0
> ctrl-a 0 
should be quite, no errors showing, no terminal outputs
full restart proceedure
> ssh r4l-58
> cd esrdaq_2018/r4l-58
> ./start.sh (for det. triggered daq)
> ./pulser.sh (for internal pulser trigger)
> ctrl-c (for killing daq)

go to tab 1
> ctrl-a 1
should be quite, no errors showing, no terminal outputs
full restart proceedure
> ssh r4l-58
> cd esrdaq_2018/r4l-58
> ./logger.sh

go to tab 2
> ctrl-a 2
rates should update each second
"incr" should be event rate per sec 
"send" column should be reasonable value if data is written
full restart proceedure
> ssh r4l-58
> cd esrdaq_2018/r4l-58
> ./rate.sh

go to tab 3
> ctrl-a 3 
empty stream should be running  
number of processed events should keep increasing
you should see the number of clients connected
full restart proceedure (on lxg1275)
> empty stream://r4l-58 --server=stream:6002

can be done by litv-exp from any lgx-machine
> e127_unpack --stream=lxg1275 --ntuple=RAW,/data.local1/e127/pre_data/file.root
> e127_unpack --stream=lxg1275 --output=/data.local1/e127/pre_data/test.lmd
Entry  Wed Feb 6 10:16:09 2019, Laszlo Varga, General, Study on scraping,  1-s2.0-0168583X88900122-main.pdf
A publication on scraping systems suggested by Siegbert. 
In the study they have used cylindrical "high-quality" slits. "High-quality" stands for well polished surface
with surface roughness <50nm. The material of the slit is Tungsten Carbide. 
Entry  Wed Feb 6 10:04:23 2019, Laszlo Varga, Simulations, Background subtraction for 124Xe, 109In, 73As made by MOCADI,  template.pdf

General remarks to the MOCADI simulations:

  1. scraper size vertically > (p,g) spot at the scraping position --> (p,g) can be separated by truncating the backscattered Rutherford events in the energy.

  2. replacing the atomic masses to nuclear masses does not change significantly the absolute positions of the (p,g) and the Rutherford. However, the (p,g) spot in the simulation seems bigger using the nuclear masses, than in the 124Xe experiment with a factor ~1.6.

  3. going for lighter elements, the separation between (p,g) and Rutherford getting better, than slit can be placed even more far from the beam in x (radial) direction. For 124Xe the minimal distance from the beam axis is <4cm, for 73As it is <7.5cm.

  4. in the simulations the scraping is mostly until x=-inf. However, if the scraping is incomplete in x, we can end up with underlying background events below the p,g peak (see the last slides)! The Rutherford cone gets bigger by going down with A,Z. For 91Nb the minimal width of the scraper: x>6cm, for 73As x>7cm. Therefore, I suggest to have a scraper width x=9cm. For the y, y=6cm should be safe.

  5. for lighter elements, the (p,g) spot size increases: in the simulation for 73As it reaches the detector size. However, the (p,g) spot size might be overestimated, please read the 2. point.
Entry  Thu Jan 17 08:45:43 2019, Jan, Detectors, Micron W1 DSSSD - technical information,  6x
Attached are the spec sheets and design drawings of the new DSSSDs from Micron.
Additionally, the 3D model made by Laszlo is also attached as stp and dwg.
Entry  Thu Sep 13 11:42:33 2018, Jan Glorius, Collaboration, Proposal,  E127_Reifarth_pg.pdfE127_Approval.pdf
Attached is the beam time proposal submitted and accepted by the G-PAC in 2017.
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