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  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 29 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Category Subject Year Text Attachments
  12   Fri Jun 7 15:57:41 2019 JanDAQDAQ with & without MDPP-16 The DAQ located in 

  11   Fri Jun 7 14:39:36 2019 JanDetectorsPt100 installation & readout The new detector holder incorporates a Pt100
temperature sensor, which is UHV compatible.
The Pt-resistor is read out via 4 wires.
  10   Fri Jun 7 14:28:09 2019 JanRunsprerun003 - MixedAlpha save point: lxg1275:/datalocal1/e127/predata/prerun003

~20min run
  9   Fri Jun 7 13:52:32 2019 JanRunsprerun002 - MixedAlpha save point: lxg1275:/datalocal1/e127/predata/prerun002

~20min run
  8   Fri Jun 7 10:18:23 2019 JanRunsprerun001 - MixedAlpha save point: lxg1275:/datalocal1/e127/predata/prerun001-root

~2h run
  7   Wed Jun 5 11:29:13 2019 JanDetectorsposition/channel calib. This is the first position calibration done
with the detector installed in the holder.
The goal is to assign rough positions (top/bottom/left/right)
  6   Fri Apr 5 06:05:55 2019 JanDAQmaking changes to the DAQ  If you need to add or change a module of the
VME crate you need to follow this proceedure:
  5   Fri Apr 5 05:46:20 2019 JanDAQrunning DRASI for (p,g) We now have a drasi DAQ running for our (p,g)
The RIO we have it installed right now is:
  4   Wed Feb 6 10:16:09 2019 Laszlo VargaGeneralStudy on scraping A publication on scraping systems suggested
by Siegbert. 
In the study they have used cylindrical "high-quality"
  3   Wed Feb 6 10:04:23 2019 Laszlo VargaSimulationsBackground subtraction for 124Xe, 109In, 73As made by MOCADI General remarks to the MOCADI simulations:

scraper size vertically > (p,g) spot at the
scraping position --> (p,g) can be separated
  2   Thu Jan 17 08:45:43 2019 JanDetectorsMicron W1 DSSSD - technical information Attached are the spec sheets and design drawings
of the new DSSSDs from Micron.
Additionally, the 3D model made by Laszlo
  1   Thu Sep 13 11:42:33 2018 Jan GloriusCollaborationProposal Attached is the beam time proposal submitted
and accepted by the G-PAC in 2017.    
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