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  nuclear two-photon decay  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sun May 9 17:39:21 2021, Guy, Analysis, Comparison between 72Ge: 7th 19h vs 8th 21h 410MHz-05.09.19h-t11ms-sMontage.png410MHz-05.08.21h-t11ms-sMontage.png
    Reply  Mon May 10 04:08:13 2021, Iris (Chris C., Jeff C.), Analysis, Comparison between 72Ge: 10th 1-2am on 245 MHz Sum_245MHz_May10-1-2am_5_0-5_175s.png
       Reply  Mon May 10 05:25:29 2021, Iris (Chris C., Jeff C.), Analysis, Comparison between 72Ge: 10th 1-2am on 410 MHz 8x
          Reply  Mon May 10 06:22:15 2021, Iris (Chris C., Jeff C.), Analysis, Comparison between 72Ge: 10th 1-2am on 410 MHz 9x
             Reply  Mon May 10 07:13:20 2021, Iris (Chris C., Jeff C.), Analysis, Comparison between 72Ge: 10th 5-6am on 410 MHz 9x
Message ID: 127     Entry time: Mon May 10 04:08:13 2021     In reply to: 108     Reply to this: 128
Author: Iris (Chris C., Jeff C.) 
Category: Analysis 
Subject: Comparison between 72Ge: 10th 1-2am on 245 MHz 
> Following Xiangcheng Chen's analysis, I analysed 11 ms time slices separated by 25 ms to see the evolution of the potential isomer across the injection.
> Attachment 1: Data from May 7th 19h-20h. -t 11ms progression from -s=5 to -s=5.175
> Attachment 2: Data from May 8th 21h-22h. -t 11ms progression from -s=5 to -s=5.175
> The extra resolution gained on the 8th (and potentially other settings too) make the isomer visible where it wasn't present on the 7th.

Hi, attached is the sum of all spectra from 1-2am on May 10th, on the 245 MHz detector. Takes me forever to download everything...
I used the same parameters as Guy and Xiancheng: LFRAMES = 512 (in analyzer); -t 0.011 (= 11 ms) -s 5 ... 5.175 s.

Resolution looks good... :-)
Attachment 1: Sum_245MHz_May10-1-2am_5_0-5_175s.png  309 kB  Uploaded Mon May 10 05:08:43 2021  | Show | Show all
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