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  nuclear two-photon decay  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sat Jul 3 06:48:38 2021, The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy & Iris), Analysis, Closer potential isomer tracks 70Se_close_pot_isomers.png
    Reply  Sat Jul 3 07:35:31 2021, The remote Canadian eager beaver (Iris), Analysis, Closer potential isomer tracks 410MHz-2021.
Message ID: 230     Entry time: Sat Jul 3 06:48:38 2021     Reply to this: 233
Author: The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy & Iris) 
Category: Analysis 
Subject: Closer potential isomer tracks 
After looking through >800 shots from Jul 2nd 21h to Jul 3rd 05h, we couldn't find a single example of a "smoking gun" isomer decay. I.e. I'm talking about the examples Liliana posted earlier. We did find many examples (roughly 10%) where the ion track spontaneously 
disappeared, but this shouldn't be the isomer as there was no frequency shift.

We did, as Iris mentioned, observe some line "in-between" the broad peak unique to the 410MHz, and listed them here (https://triumfoffice365-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/dillmann_triumf_ca/EdKsMfSC3AlHopA36PdLBlsBE2MCSY0hh5qIsuau5HFBmg?rtime=Z2os4J492Ug).
I then proceeded to sum these files to see if they lined up. The result it attached, with the previous total sum from 21-00h Jul 2nd at the bottom for comparison. It seems the 70Se line has shifted, this is observed in the other shots too. However, despite the low 
statistics, these other shots don't line up with the broad peak identified before, although they don't line up well with each other individually either.
In either case, we think these files might be worth offline analysis as they're the only possible hint of the 70Se isomer so far.
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