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  nuclear two-photon decay  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 64     Entry time: Sat May 8 01:33:25 2021
Author: Helmut Weick 
Category: Simulations 
Subject: frequency list for 70Se setting 
EXCEL table with all possible fragments injected into ESR.
The path length in ESR, gamma_t and harmonic are adjusted to the 72Ge data. 
Some lifetimes are limited but all intense lines are >30s in lab system.
There are two versions (for cooled beam with fixed v or uncooled (isochronous) 
with fixed average Brho, take the second (grey) column.
For larger frequency shifts harmonics will overlap.
You can add more isomers.
Attachment 1: freq-lines-70Se.JPG  31 kB  Uploaded Sat May 8 18:42:23 2021  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 2: frag-freq-list.xlsx  85 kB  Uploaded Sat May 8 18:42:37 2021
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