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  nuclear two-photon decay  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sun May 9 06:34:37 2021, Iris, Chris G., Jacobus, Michele, Analysis, Runs 2-3am Not_Mn52 Not_52Mn_245MHz_May09_2-3am_s0_1_t8_0.pngNot_52Mn_245MHz_May09_2-3am_s0_1_t8_0.rootNot_52Mn_245MHz_May09_2-3am_s5_1_t0_5.pngNot_52Mn_245MHz_May09_2-3am_s5_1_t0_5.root
    Reply  Sun May 9 07:16:47 2021, Iris, Chris G., Jacobus, Michele, Analysis, Runs 3-4am Not_Mn52 Not_52Mn_245MHz_May09_3-4am_s0_1_t8_0.rootNot_52Mn_245MHz_May09_3-4am_s0_1_t8_0.png
Message ID: 99     Entry time: Sun May 9 06:34:37 2021     Reply to this: 101
Author: Iris, Chris G., Jacobus, Michele 
Category: Analysis 
Subject: Runs 2-3am Not_Mn52 
Summed up runs on the 245 MHz detector between 2-3am (computer time).
One has -s 0.1 -t 8.0
the other -s 5.1 -t 0.5

Not sure if it is useful but here it is :-)
Attachment 1: Not_52Mn_245MHz_May09_2-3am_s0_1_t8_0.png  37 kB  Uploaded Sun May 9 07:35:13 2021  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 2: Not_52Mn_245MHz_May09_2-3am_s0_1_t8_0.root  1.499 MB  Uploaded Sun May 9 07:35:13 2021
Attachment 3: Not_52Mn_245MHz_May09_2-3am_s5_1_t0_5.png  39 kB  Uploaded Sun May 9 07:35:13 2021  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 4: Not_52Mn_245MHz_May09_2-3am_s5_1_t0_5.root  102 kB  Uploaded Sun May 9 07:35:13 2021
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