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Sun May 9 21:29:26 2021 |
Helmut, Wolfram, Yuri | Accelerator | target TE3UF shift | We see a very strong line at the left end
of spectrum, stronger than all other lines.
When we shift the target TE3UF_H from -35mm |
Sun May 9 20:39:17 2021 |
Shahab | Runs | Subtracting the background | still in the search of 70-Se |
Sun May 9 20:34:47 2021 |
Rui-Jiu Chen | Analysis | Comparison of frequency spectrum between 72Ge and other isotope | This some preliminary analysis results by
using NTCAP data. The IQ rate of NTCAP
is 20 MSamples/seconds. I analyzed data files |
6x |
Sun May 9 19:03:02 2021 |
Rodostina, Oliver, Wolfram, Helmut, Yuri, Shahab | Runs | quadrupoles were down, fixed. | |
Sun May 9 18:50:23 2021 |
Helmut, Wolfram, Yuri | Accelerator | changed to 70Se | 18:45 changed SIS, ESR setting for 70Se without
predrilling blind change.
E-SIS = 446.55 MeV/u, is centerd as before |
Sun May 9 18:41:33 2021 |
Rodostina, Oliver, Wolfram, Helmut, Yuri, Shahab | Runs | stopped data taking for energy change | last recorded filename:
Sun May 9 17:39:21 2021 |
Guy | Analysis | Comparison between 72Ge: 7th 19h vs 8th 21h | Following Xiangcheng Chen's analysis, I analysed
11 ms time slices separated by 25 ms to see
the evolution of the potential isomer across |
Sun May 9 16:19:06 2021 |
Rodostina, Oliver, Wolfram, Shahab | Runs | Setting to 52Mn ???? | first filename in this recording:
E143-245MHz-2021. |
Sun May 9 14:19:44 2021 |
Yuri | Accelerator | Spectrum | We accept larger m/q values than we like to.
m/q(low) cut ~ 2.08. Decrease ESR energy
from 369.2 -> 368.4 MeV/u
Sun May 9 13:53:07 2021 |
Yuri, Wolfram, Andrew, Liliana | Calibration | Change of energy: Back as before | After looking at the spectrum it was concluded
that the same isotopes, and no more, could
be identified.
Sun May 9 13:15:38 2021 |
Liliana Andrew | Runs | Stopped data taking during modifications for the beam energy | Beam energy to be increase to move Mn into
the ring.
First step we set the energy to 445 MeV. |
Sun May 9 12:53:01 2021 |
Desislava Kalaydjieva, Taka Yamaguchi | Analysis | Analysis, Morning shift, 9 May | For the whole morning shift there were no
significant changes in the spectra.
9x |
Sun May 9 08:00:03 2021 |
Liliana, Andrew | General | Status | So far, we keep the setting as it is and wait
for experts to come in.
Few spills are missing from time to time. |
Sun May 9 07:16:47 2021 |
Iris, Chris G., Jacobus, Michele | Analysis | Runs 3-4am Not_Mn52 | Summed up runs on the 245 MHz detector between
3-4am (computer time).
-s 0.1 -t 8.0 |
Sun May 9 06:53:20 2021 |
Iris, Chris G., Jacobus, Michele | General | Summary night shift | The tune last night was unfortunately not
to 52Mn. The two "isomers" that were identified
are instead 45Sc and 75Br. But separation |
Sun May 9 06:34:37 2021 |
Iris, Chris G., Jacobus, Michele | Analysis | Runs 2-3am Not_Mn52 | Summed up runs on the 245 MHz detector between
2-3am (computer time).
One has -s 0.1 -t 8.0
Sun May 9 06:15:09 2021 |
Iris, Chris G., Jacobus, Michele | Runs | Triplet: zoom in | Zoom into the triplet: the satellite peaks
on the right are clearly visible.
This is just one file but one *might* see |
Sun May 9 05:56:29 2021 |
Iris, Chris G., Jacobus, Michele | Analysis | Not_52Mn spectra added up | Attached is a summed spectra of all files
taken between 1:17am and 1:59am (on the 245
MHz detector).
Sun May 9 05:54:11 2021 |
Ragan | Analysis | offset btw png and tiq files from server? | This is due to the 50% trigger setting in
the spectrum analyzers )) |
Sun May 9 05:38:29 2021 |
Iris, Chris G. | Analysis | offset btw png and tiq files from server? | This might have been answered before but I
looked at one png file and one tiq file from
the same run that was stored on the server. |