E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038
  nuclear two-photon decay, Page 1 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Tue May 4 17:54:08 2021, Helmut Weick, Simulations, updated LISE file E143_TEline-ESR-2.lpp
Entry  Fri May 7 17:12:52 2021, Kanika, Sergey, Yuri, Wolfram, Michael, Shahab, Runs, trigger time back to 50% 
Entry  Mon Jun 28 18:32:49 2021, Ruijiu, Shahab, DAQ, trigger signal connected to NTCAP and analyzers tri.jpg
Entry  Wed Jun 30 00:12:55 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, the ID of 72Ge setting plot_242.5_246.5.pngplot_242.5_246.5.rootoutput_127.tofplot_242.5_246.5.pdf
Entry  Thu Jul 1 15:25:42 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, template of NTCAP shift 
Entry  Sun May 9 21:29:26 2021, Helmut, Wolfram, Yuri, Accelerator, target TE3UF shift 
Entry  Sat May 8 22:06:36 2021, Michael, Ruijiu, Helmut, Yuri, Wolfram, Sergey, Shahab, Runs, stopped data taking with the high resolution 
Entry  Sun May 9 18:41:33 2021, Rodostina, Oliver, Wolfram, Helmut, Yuri, Shahab, Runs, stopped data taking for energy change 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 19:57:12 2021, Shahab, Yuri, Wolfram, Liliana, Runs, stop DAQ  
Entry  Fri May 7 22:48:33 2021, Chris, General, still running... E143-245MHz-2021.
Entry  Wed Jun 30 02:12:46 2021, Shahab, Runs, still no beam in ESR: quadrupole magnets are down 
Entry  Fri May 7 03:33:11 2021, Liliana, Akash, Wolfram, Helmut, Shahab, General, status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 17:31:04 2021, Liliana, General, status 
Entry  Sat May 8 21:10:24 2021, Michael, Ruijiu, Helmut, Yuri, Wolfram, Sergey, Shahab, Runs, started data taking with high resolution E143-245MHz-2021.
Entry  Tue Jun 29 20:40:55 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, start NTCAP 
Entry  Thu Jul 1 23:07:47 2021, IK, KK, Runs, source 
Entry  Thu Jul 1 21:35:32 2021, Shahab, Runs, some pics after 15dB amplification on 410 asd.png821.png
Entry  Wed Jun 30 13:57:14 2021, Yuri, Sergey, Accelerator, sextupoles + scraper positions photo_2021-06-30_14-09-08.jpgphoto_2021-06-30_14-02-25.jpg
Entry  Thu Jul 1 18:07:10 2021, Shahab, Runs, settings of the analyzers after changing the trigger position asd.jpgasd2.jpg
Entry  Sun May 9 01:19:47 2021, Helmut, Sergey, Accelerator, scraper optmisation for 72Ge IMG_20210508_210509.jpg
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b