E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028
  nuclear two-photon decay, Page 4 of 11  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Thu Jul 1 14:47:15 2021, Yury, Helmut, Accelerator, added high Brho scrapers ESR-scraper-overview.jpgscrapers-used.JPG
So far only scrapers for low Brho were used:
  GE01DS_HI = -58mm (arc from inside) and
  GEEXDS2HA = -11.2 (straight from outside)
We also want a cut on high Brho to avoid possible strange lines.

GE01DS_HA is limited in motion, at the maximum inside position (0.0 mm) there is no effect.

Next EEXDS1HG (aperture for ToF-detctor) in mm
120 -  completely out
 60 - no effect full beam
 45 -   "
 30 -   "
 20 -   "
 10 - very little beam remaining
  5 - gone
 12 - little beam
 14 - narow but little
 16 - narrow with small tail in left side
 20 - again like full
100 - full (as reference for the eye)

Then similar with E02DSHG in arc dipole in mm
 -130 - full
  -60 - full
  -40 - gone
  -45 - very tiny
  -55 - full
  -50 - less beam
  -52 - similar
  -53 - no difference
  -58 - looks like full

Now add EEXDS1HG again with -16mm, no difference, so keep both in.
==> we cut in arc from both sides and on straight secton from both sides
    Intensity does not look different to scrapers out. 
    It looks like a bit less 70Se in ESR then 1h before, but maybe other reason.
Entry  Thu Jul 1 07:28:55 2021, Jan, Akash, Accelerator, Beam intensity 
Intensity went up from 5e8 to 1e9 extracted particles from SIS.
Entry  Thu Jul 1 04:15:54 2021, David, Liliana, General, Beam intensity 
From 4:05 to 4:15 beam intensity was 1/2 as before. 
Entry  Thu Jul 1 01:35:15 2021, David, Liliana, General, Ion source change 
Changing ion source, no beam expected for the next 30 minutes.

2:15--> Beam is back, intensity not as high as before but will increase in the next few minutes as the source gets hotter.
Entry  Thu Jul 1 00:09:28 2021, David, Liliana, General, Low beam intensity for few minutes 
For few minutes (starting at 00:05) beam intensity went down. Same as it was reported by the previous shift. 
Until 00:27 beam had lower intensity than before (3e8) 
Now intensity is back to 5e8.
Entry  Wed Jun 30 23:29:42 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, Start a new run. 
reference level=-20 dBm.
Entry  Wed Jun 30 20:58:06 2021, Ragan, Helena, General, Few minutes of disruption 
There was a disruption from the SIS side for a few minutes.
Entry  Wed Jun 30 20:14:44 2021, Ragan, Helena, General, Drop in SIS intensity 
There is a drop in SIS intensity and the operators are informed.
    Reply  Wed Jun 30 20:21:47 2021, Ragan, Helena, General, SIS intensity is back 
SIS intensity is back
Entry  Wed Jun 30 19:59:39 2021, Shahab, Runs, Scraper positions 
current scraper positions suggested by Sergey:

GEEXDS2HA = -11mm
GE01DS-H (innen) = -58mm
Entry  Wed Jun 30 19:08:25 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, ID of 70Se spectrum recorded in May output_126.tofplot_242.0_245.0.pngplot_242.0_245.0.rootplot_242.0_245.0.pdf
Entry  Wed Jun 30 15:21:44 2021, Shahab, Runs, data synch on WWW server 
Data is being shared on the WWW server.
Time difference between the analyzers is in order of seconds:

time stamp of the 245MHz data is leading those of 410MHz by 21.733 [s]
Entry  Wed Jun 30 14:52:28 2021, Oliver, General, Re-Started data taking... 
Main user is finished. We started data taking again...
Entry  Wed Jun 30 14:48:54 2021, Oliver, General, Data taking - and not... 
We just started data taking. But a few minutes later the main experiment needed to do some adjustements to the beam. This interrupts us for a couple of minutes...
Entry  Wed Jun 30 13:57:14 2021, Yuri, Sergey, Accelerator, sextupoles + scraper positions photo_2021-06-30_14-09-08.jpgphoto_2021-06-30_14-02-25.jpg
After setting up on 70Se
Sextupoles were adjusted to optimize the resolution of the 70Se peak. Set values are in the ESR logbook.
The SIS energy was shifted up to increase the number of 70Se.
Esis original = 445.68 MeV/u
Esis now = 451.68 MeV/u (+6 MeV/u)

See attached pictures

GE01DS_HI =  -58mm
GE01DS_HA = +130mm (fully open)
GEEXDD2_S = -0.5mm
GEEXDS2HA = -11.2mm
Entry  Wed Jun 30 13:05:08 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, ID of 70Se 2021-06-30_11_54_00.png2021-06-30_11_54_00.pdf2021-06-30_11_54_00.rootoutput_127.tofoutput_128.tof
This is the latest ID of 70Se setting.
Entry  Wed Jun 30 13:04:40 2021, Shahab, Runs, 245 Amplifier on amplification_on245.png
turned on extra 20dB amplifier for the 245 Resonator around 12:32 
Entry  Wed Jun 30 12:35:53 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, Change reference level to -20dBm. Turn of amplifier. 
Reference level=-20dBm
Entry  Wed Jun 30 12:26:58 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, NTCAP start. 
reference level -80dBm.
Amplifier is off.
Entry  Wed Jun 30 09:04:50 2021, Yuri, Markus, Accelerator, Status 
1) Over night the source was conservated. It is being restarted now.
2) The approximated amount of Gas in this bottle shall allow for running until tomorrow morning (~24 h). There is still another bottle in reserve (1 l) and one reserve from GANIL (0.5 l).
3) Beam-time coordinator suggests to run until the gas is over, i.e., up into the weekend.
Entry  Wed Jun 30 08:59:37 2021, Yuri, Accelerator, 70Se setting 
X(9Be)=1.815 g/cm2 (adjusted in primary beam setting)

E(70Se)=368.499 MeV/u
Br(70Se)=6.21993 Tm

E(78Kr)@Br(70Se)=337.461 MeV/u
E(SIS) = 415.792 MeV/u

Fragment Setting:
E(SIS) = 445.68 MeV/u
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b