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  nuclear two-photon decay, Page 4 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Fri May 7 01:49:03 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Comparison of I_Raw/Q_Raw between different reference level  20210501_NTCAPPreparation.png
This is a comparison of I_Raw/Q_Raw between different reference level. The range of NTCAP ADC is only 2^15 bit. So signals (I_Raw and Q_Raw) should 
not be outside ADC range. It is clear that there is not point outside the ADC range when using reference level -30dBm.
Entry  Sat May 8 03:05:42 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Change reference level to -60dBm 
Start a new run. The data of new run is in :
Entry  Sat May 8 03:08:57 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Change reference level to -50dBm 
Start a new run. The data of new run is in :
Entry  Sat May 8 18:35:25 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Change reference level to -10dBm 
The beam in ESR is 78Kr36+@476 MeV/u.
Start a new run:
Entry  Sun May 9 20:34:47 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, Comparison of frequency spectrum between 72Ge and other isotope 6x
This some preliminary analysis results by using  NTCAP data.   The IQ rate of NTCAP is 20 MSamples/seconds. I analyzed data files recorded from May 7 
17:39 to May 8 2:20.  The frequency of 72Ge is bended by 4kHz at the beginning of some injections.  In order to check whether this frequency bending is 
due to isomer or unstable magnetic field. I compare the 72Ge with other isotopes. The similar bending was observed for other isotope in each 
corresponding injections. It seems that bend is due to unstable magnetic field.  
Entry  Sun May 9 23:59:26 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Start a new run. 
Start a new run. The data of new run is in :
reference level = -50dBm.
Entry  Mon May 10 00:08:26 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Change reference level to -60dBm  
Start a new run. The data of new run is in :
Entry  Tue Jun 29 20:40:55 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, start NTCAP 
Carrier Frequency:245MHz.
IQ rate 20MSamples/s
Reference level:-90 dBm
Entry  Wed Jun 30 00:12:55 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, the ID of 72Ge setting plot_242.5_246.5.pngplot_242.5_246.5.rootoutput_127.tofplot_242.5_246.5.pdf
Entry  Wed Jun 30 00:20:10 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, ID of 70Se setting on May plot_242.0_245.0.pngplot_242.0_245.0.pdfplot_242.0_245.0.rootoutput_126.tof
This is an old spectrum which was recoded on May.
Entry  Wed Jun 30 12:26:58 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, NTCAP start. 
reference level -80dBm.
Amplifier is off.
Entry  Wed Jun 30 12:35:53 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, Change reference level to -20dBm. Turn of amplifier. 
Reference level=-20dBm
Entry  Wed Jun 30 13:05:08 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, ID of 70Se 2021-06-30_11_54_00.png2021-06-30_11_54_00.pdf2021-06-30_11_54_00.rootoutput_127.tofoutput_128.tof
This is the latest ID of 70Se setting.
Entry  Wed Jun 30 19:08:25 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, ID of 70Se spectrum recorded in May output_126.tofplot_242.0_245.0.pngplot_242.0_245.0.rootplot_242.0_245.0.pdf
Entry  Wed Jun 30 23:29:42 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, Start a new run. 
reference level=-20 dBm.
Entry  Thu Jul 1 15:25:42 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, template of NTCAP shift 
Please check following two parameters every two hours into make sure the NTCAP is running well: 
1. The latest recorded tdms files:
2. The rest space on the drive "p:\" : **GByte.
Entry  Sun May 9 16:19:06 2021, Rodostina, Oliver, Wolfram, Shahab, Runs, Setting to 52Mn ???? 
first filename in this recording:

Entry  Sun May 9 18:41:33 2021, Rodostina, Oliver, Wolfram, Helmut, Yuri, Shahab, Runs, stopped data taking for energy change 
last recorded filename:


410 was not recording data in this period.
Entry  Sun May 9 19:03:02 2021, Rodostina, Oliver, Wolfram, Helmut, Yuri, Shahab, Runs, quadrupoles were down, fixed. 
Entry  Thu May 6 21:36:04 2021, Regina + Markus + Yuri, Accelerator, Cooler Curve cc_1.jpg
Final cooler curve, Isochronous 78Kr
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b