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  Laser Cooling Experiment 2021  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Thu May 13 01:21:30 2021, Sebastian, General, Current schedule ... so far 
    Reply  Thu May 13 03:35:25 2021, Lars, General, Status: Current schedule ... so far 
Message ID: 34     Entry time: Thu May 13 01:21:30 2021     Reply to this: 38
Author: Sebastian 
Category: General 
Subject: Current schedule ... so far 
1.) check h=2,4,6,7,8,10 .... bunching frequencies with different amplitudes (signalgenerator), Ecooler ON, Laser OFF --> record schottky and "normal" DAQ

2.) Ecooler ON, Bunching ON, Laser ON (wavelength fixed and/or scanned)

2.1) Do we see the laser in the Schottky? (The laser has to be on the right side of the bunches and act as a barrier to damp the oscillation of the ions inside the buckets.) 
If not change laser wavelength until we see the laser in the schottky 

2.2) Do we see fluorescence in the XUV Detector signal? Weak fluorescence signal --> check laser-bunch timing by varying the lead delay until we see the highest fluorescence signal. 
If we see no fluorescence signal change laser wavelength until we see fluorescence from the xuv anode signal.

3.) Do we see that some sidebands vanish in the schottky? Does the lifetime of the ion beam increase?
3.1.) If not "play" with Laserparameters, scans, delays, etc...
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b