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  Laser Cooling Experiment 2021  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Thu May 13 01:21:30 2021, Sebastian, General, Current schedule ... so far 
    Reply  Thu May 13 03:35:25 2021, Lars, General, Status: Current schedule ... so far 
Message ID: 38     Entry time: Thu May 13 03:35:25 2021     In reply to: 34
Author: Lars 
Category: General 
Subject: Status: Current schedule ... so far 
1.) so far: 
h = 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 30
Amplitudes: (10, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250) mV

now we will try to use the laser-toy ;-)

> 1.) check h=2,4,6,7,8,10 .... bunching frequencies with different amplitudes (signalgenerator), Ecooler ON, Laser OFF --> record schottky and "normal" DAQ
> 2.) Ecooler ON, Bunching ON, Laser ON (wavelength fixed and/or scanned)
> 2.1) Do we see the laser in the Schottky? (The laser has to be on the right side of the bunches and act as a barrier to damp the oscillation of the ions inside the buckets.) 
> If not change laser wavelength until we see the laser in the schottky 
> 2.2) Do we see fluorescence in the XUV Detector signal? Weak fluorescence signal --> check laser-bunch timing by varying the lead delay until we see the highest fluorescence signal. 
> If we see no fluorescence signal change laser wavelength until we see fluorescence from the xuv anode signal.
> 3.) Do we see that some sidebands vanish in the schottky? Does the lifetime of the ion beam increase?
> 3.1.) If not "play" with Laserparameters, scans, delays, etc...
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b