E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038 E0075
  nuclear two-photon decay 2024, Page 5 of 6  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Mon May 20 14:02:03 2024, Jelena, Oliver, Shahab, DAQ, Retune 245 MHz 
Mew numbers for 245 MHz plunger is 190 (both)
Entry  Tue Apr 16 15:35:07 2024, Jan, Collaboration, G-PAC Proposal G-22-00018.pdf
Entry  Sat May 18 13:13:45 2024, Yuri, Taka, Xinliang, Sophia, Yuanming, Ragan, Shahab , Calibration, Shorter shots with 98 Mo 
now making shorter shots with 98-Mo
3 seconds each

13:57  RSA01-2024., RSA02-2024.
13:58 RSA01-2024., RSA02-2024.
14:00 RSA01-2024., ../RSA02/RSA02-2024.
14:01 RSA01-2024., ../RSA02/RSA02-2024.
14:01 RSA01-2024., ../RSA02/RSA02-2024. 

last long shot :
14:05 RSA01-2024., ../RSA02/RSA02-2024.

1 second each 

Entry  Sun May 12 18:34:54 2024, Ruijiu, Analysis, How to use queqiao to transfer tiq data start_OnlineDataAnalysis.jpgqueqiao_rsa.jpg
If the ssh to lxir131 was disconnected, you can connect to lxir131 and restart queqiao program to transfer tiq data from NAS to luster.

1. Open a terminal on any GSI linux computer, like the one in the Measurement Room:

2. start "Online data analysis system":

(base) litv-exp@lxg1478:~$ start_OnlineDataAnalysisSystem

3. click the 3rd button "Copy data from RSA hard disk to luster" to start "queqiao" program.

4. click "start" button on "queqiao" user interface to transfer tiq data on RSA spectrum analyzer.
Entry  Wed May 15 11:45:22 2024, David, Analysis, Lustre Trouble 
Since around 11:30, Lustre is down, therefore in https://sparc-daq-02.gsi.de/, the spectrograms are not being updated. Expected time to recovery > 2 hours.
The data will still be stored on the local hardisk. Whenever Lustre is online, we start file transfer and analysis.

Attached can be found an information email sent:
Dear Lustre-users,

the main metadata server of the Lustre file system shows repeated errors that break I/O on at least
some clients.

We will have to restart the server, which will cause a downtime of min. 2 hours.
Entry  Wed May 15 23:04:32 2024, Xinliang, Analysis, Electron cooler data 20240515230302.pngdata_2024_-_sergey.xlsxiso.xlsx
The cooler curve measured during May 14 afternoon.
Entry  Fri May 17 19:43:03 2024, Jelena B, Zsolt P., Shahab, David, Analysis, + Beam issues beam.png
Important - analysis 
-> we are trying to get PID with a new setting to see if 98Zr decays with 30s half-life
--> we are taking 1 min cycles 
---> strongest line does not corespondents to 96Sr38+ as it decays very fast (few seconds) and we observe long-lived one - still we have to confirm this 

----> analysis is still ongoing 

We lost the beam at 19:35

Entry  Tue May 14 23:22:55 2024, Helmut Weick, Accelerator, isochronicity curves isoc_curves_14052024.PNGisoc_curves_14052024.xlsx
Sergey started with a setting with quadrupoles already changed like in 2021.
Ths was used for the first isochronicity curves.
It also gave soem, however, not good peak shapes with scrapers closed.
But after a failure only a new setting of quads could revover the peaks.

Then more cooler curves were measured and found to have quite a slope.
Changing ESR energy does not change the curves much, but changing the quads does.
With the stronger variation of quads (+1.65% on two quadrupole families) the curve tilts to opposite side.

All curves in EXCEL.
Cooler voltage converted to Brho with gamma ~ 1.4 and curves in relative frequency spread shifted on top of each other.
In new injections the quads are set new, which causes a frequency jump. Pasted parts of curves to remove jump.
Entry  Tue May 14 23:40:03 2024, Helmut, Sergey, Yury, Accelerator, paper log book IMG_20240514_233830.jpgIMG_20240514_233820.jpg
two pages of log book on paper for teh first setup,
injection into ESR and tuning primary beam 100Mo and fragment 98Mo.
Entry  Wed May 15 19:20:32 2024, Helmut Weick, Accelerator, scraper setting IMG_20240515_193017_HDR.jpgIMG_20240515_192644.jpgIMG_20240515_182802.jpg
After the orbit correction on the target straight section the scrapers work better.
One pair of scrapers works best:
GEEXDS2HA (outside straight section =  low Brho side) = -4.0 mm
GE02DS3HG (outside arc              = high Brho side) = -71.4 mm
All other scrapers are open (finished playing with scrapers ~18:20)
When one side is opened more one can cut more on the other.
We can attack the beam from both sides.
With scrapers good resolution, David already posts lifetimes of the isomer.
Details in paper log book.
Entry  Wed May 15 19:45:44 2024, Helmut Weick, Accelerator, Cooler curves after beam shift curce_1.PNGcurce_2.PNGisoc_curves_15052024.xlsx
After the Beam position tuning but before the scraper tuning two more cooler curves were taken.
The first with all scrapers open shows a similar shape to before with the same quadrupole setting.
Afterwards the ESR ebergy was shifted by -0.8 MeV/u to get the beam more on an outer orbit.
The curve then is shifted and has a bit less acceptance.
Entry  Wed May 15 20:17:20 2024, Jeroen, Accelerator, Fewer spills from SIS18 then lost beam 2024-05-15_20-16-49-990_tcl1064.png2024-05-15_20-18-47-422_tcl1064.png
Apparently fewer spills coming from SIS18, see attached.

Beam was lost at 20:17:52. 
Entry  Thu May 16 11:20:10 2024, Sergey, Accelerator, Screenshot of ESR pattern with 140 repetitions (each is 100 ms) 2024-05-16_11-19-01-545.png
Injection Beam Process: 100ms
Bunching Beam Process: 16ms
Intermediate Beam Process: 100 ms, which is repeated 140 times
Intermediate Beam Process: 16 ms
Entry  Thu May 16 12:48:58 2024, Sergey, Accelerator, Tune to 98Zr 
- stop longer measurements
- change quadrupole and sextupole magnets
- rescale SIS-TE-ESR
Entry  Thu May 16 15:24:30 2024, Ide, Hubbard, Accelerator, new Plunger setting 
plunger motors were set

to +/-390 mm for 245 MHz resonator
and +/-55 mm for 410 MHz resonator
Entry  Thu May 16 16:43:29 2024, Yuri, Accelerator, HHT 
HHT sees radiation from us. We stop for 10 min for them to see the speed with which the radiation level decreases.
Entry  Fri May 17 17:03:39 2024, Helmut, Yury, Accelerator, approx. 96Sr setting 
Only 96Sr would yield very few line with only ions from tiem to time.
So we went a bit lower in Brho 7.69 Tm -> 7.65 Tm.
The setting is calculated as a 98Mo39+.
E-SIS = 455.3 MeV/ for 100Mo.
after target 98Mo now with 39+ gives 7.6500 Tm.
In ESR also 39+.
In LISE we get the same average gamma as before for 98Zr (gamma = 1.40082).
Entry  Fri May 17 17:09:26 2024, Helmut, Yury, Accelerator, approx. 96Sr setting (98Zr39+) TEline-ESR-100Mo_98Mo39.lpp
Only 96Sr would yield very few line with only ions from time to time.
So we went a bit lower in Brho 7.69 Tm -> 7.65 Tm.
The setting is calculated as a 98Mo39+.
E-SIS = 455.3 MeV/ for 100Mo,
after target 98Mo now with 39+ gives 7.6500 Tm.
In ESR also 39+.
In LISE we get the same average gamma as before for 98Zr (gamma = 1.40082).

The 98Zr was also entered as a 98Mo40+-
Entry  Fri May 17 21:56:58 2024, Jelena B, Zsolt P., Accelerator, Optimizing setting 
We are optimizing setting for 96Sr
start time: 21:52
Entry  Fri May 17 22:06:05 2024, Jelena B, Zsolt P., Accelerator, ESR ESR_down.png
ESR is down
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b