Tue Jun 11 22:59:06 2024, Carsten, Accelerator, Identification / NTCAP started
ESR is set-up in most parts.We are trying to identify our 229Th89+. It is more cumbersome then exspected because of the thick target an d the according
energy loss, the pattern has changed compared to the last beamtime.
Tue Jun 11 23:46:06 2024, Carsten )))), Accelerator, ID
The frequency of the primary beam 238U82+ at the injection:
Ucool = -360 V
Wed Jun 12 09:43:57 2024, Carsten, Accelerator, Stopped NTCAP at 9:43
Setup at ESR is carried on - stopped the long-time NTCAP run from overnight, |
Wed Jun 12 12:12:44 2024, Konstantin Mohr, Julien Spahn, Jonas Koedel, Bernhard Maass, Accelerator, First Scraper Scan
Thorium is in the ESR, we have time to check the beam position with the scrapers.
Beam Intensity in the ring 6E-5
Thu Jun 13 02:05:04 2024, Carsten, Accelerator, Short Lifetime at 100 mA
Lifetime still is short |
Thu Jun 13 10:06:35 2024, Constantine, Peter, Lukas, Jonas, Dounia, Carsten, Accelerator, Suspected Beam Troubles (is it really 229-Thorium?)
From experience, the lifetime of the beam in the storage ring should be on the order of magnitude of hours, however, we observer beam lifetimes of the order
of 10ish minutes. This suggests either a beam loss mechanism, a totally wrong species or a combination of both.
Thu Jun 13 10:32:29 2024, Konstantin, Accelerator, (Proper) Cooler settings
We change the acceleration voltage of the electron cooler and observe the platform high voltage and the count rate at the particle detector south.
Cooler current at 100mA.
Thu Jun 13 12:05:31 2024, Konstantin, Peter, Jonas, Accelerator, RF-amplitude
To realize the shortest bunches possible, we check the bunch length as a function of two different bunching amplitudes. With the bucket fill set to 1.0
we observe the spectra compiled in attachment 1. The second attachment is recorded with a bucket fill 0f 0.2.
Thu Jun 13 14:56:09 2024, Stefan Schippers, Accelerator, Estimated beam lifetime: About 150 s
Estimate of storage lifetime using my code 'hydrocal':
ion mass in u ...................................: 229
Thu Jun 13 22:08:07 2024, Dayshift, Accelerator, Problems with Accelerator?
It seems to be that there are some problems with the injections in the ESR.
The last 2 accumulation cycles showed that wheter only a small amount of ions are injected into the ESR or the injection is missing.
Fri Jun 14 11:44:23 2024, Carsten Brandau, Accelerator, Cooling Time in SC7 increased from 9s to 12s
Cooling Time in SC7 increased from 9s to 12s |
Sat Jun 15 03:46:34 2024, Night shift, Accelerator, GSI down
All quadrupole and dipole magnets at SIS and ESR are out of order. Repairs can be expected earliest tomorrow evening. No shifts will take place before 6pm.
Have a look at your mails for details. |
Wed Jun 12 09:17:43 2024, Carsten, , Tests of background with ionization pumps on (from monday)
On monday the ionization pumps were switch on to test the background, and if it is possible to run with the pumps switched on.
Results and comments, see below:
Wed Jun 12 22:48:55 2024, Carsten, , Beam Halo
The seamingly short live time reported in [URL=https://elog.gsi.de/esr/E0052/53]entry 53[/URL] is due to a halo from a different isotope (?). It can be
scraped away from the outside. The 229Th89+ primary beam can be scaped away from the inside and the halo stays. There is some spacial headroom between
the two components.