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  Bound beta decay experiment on Tl-205, Page 2 of 9  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Subject
  21   Fri Mar 27 13:40:54 2020 RaganGeneralNTCap start and shutdown information
The attachment contains information on how to start and shutdown NTCap and bridge computer.
  22   Fri Mar 27 19:51:37 2020 RaganGeneralESR Machine
By changing the tune to Qx=2.33, Qy=2.36 the momentum acceptance was significantly improved. A variation of the cooler voltage of 10300 V was possible without beam loss. That corresponds to a momentum acceptance of 2.7 %. That should provide good conditions for longitudinal stacking.

Thanks to the ESR team !
  23   Fri Mar 27 19:59:09 2020 RaganGeneralBeam stacking in ESR is achieved
Thanks to Sergey and Markus, stacking of primary H-like 206Pb81+ beam in ESR is achieved.

The stacking of the primary beam was established. There is continuous cooling on the injection orbit by stochastic cooling and by electron cooling on the stack orbit. (Time controlled operation of stochastic cooling could not be achieved due to controls issues). After stchastic cooling on the injection orbit the rf system decelerates the beam by 1.5 % in momentum and at the lower momentum electron cooling keeps the beam. The DC trafo shows accumulation of 10 injections of primary low intensity Pb81+ beam. Losses during the accumulation seems to be small.
  24   Fri Mar 27 20:05:43 2020 RaganGeneralH2 gas jet ready
Thanks to Nikos, stable H2 gas jet target with 10^14 particles/cm^3 is ready.
(More information can be found on: https://ulpc24.gsi.de/cgi-bin/jet.py?gasart=Helium )
  25   Fri Mar 27 20:52:31 2020 RaganGeneralPlans for the measurement with 206Pb81+
We plan to measure:

1. Lifetime of H-like 206Pb81+ beam with two electron cooler currents:
a) 200 mA
b) 10 mA (so that recombination rate is less)
using MWPC (capture detector in outer pocket) and CsISiPHOS (loss detector in inner pocket). 

2. To find the efficiency of the MWPC.
  26   Sat Mar 28 01:14:19 2020 RaganGeneralCross-section for capture and ionisation of 206Pb81+ with H2 target
Cross-section for capture and ionisation of 206Pb81+ with H2 gas jet target are calculated using GLOBAL code.
The ionisation (on CsISiPHOS) and capture (on MWPC) trigger rates are calculated for 206Pb81+ beam with 10^6 particles revolving in ESR ~2 MHz frequency with H2 gas jet target density ~ 10^14 particles/cm3.
  27   Sat Mar 28 04:32:15 2020 RaganDetectorsIonisation events on DSSSD
XY co-relation of DSSSD showing 206Pb82+ beam hitting the CsISiPHOS detector present in the inner pocket of ESR after the first dipole after the gas jet. 206Pb82+ is 
produced by ionisation of 
206Pb81+ due to interaction of beam with the gas jet.
  28   Sat Mar 28 04:50:34 2020 RaganDetectorsMWPC
Alex and Pierre-Michel applied 1500 V to the anode and adjusted the threshold in Messhute.
x1 signal was small & noisy and rest of the signals were fine.
  29   Sat Mar 28 11:00:14 2020 Ragan, RuiJiu, Mei, Yuri, TinoDetectorsMovement of detector
10:51 am the CsISiPHOS is moved to 65 mm from 60 mm.The spot on the DSSSD is changed by 5 mm which confirms the hit of the beam.

Detector is moved back to 60 mm.
  30   Sat Mar 28 11:07:49 2020 Ragan, RuiJiu, Tino, GeneralNikos is changing gas jet target
The gas jet target is now being changed from H2 to Ar by Nikos.
  31   Sat Mar 28 11:20:10 2020 Ragan, RuiJiu, Mei, Yuri, TinoGeneralReducing beam intensity in ESR
Yuri reduces beam intensity in the ESR to reduce the countrate on the detectors.
  32   Sat Mar 28 11:28:11 2020 Ragan, RuiJiu, Mei, Yuri, TinoGeneralESR open
ESR is open now
  33   Sat Mar 28 12:19:21 2020 Ragan, RuiJiuDAQChange of the polarity of Amplifiers
Since last night, the signals from the p-side of all the Si pads were seen as negative on picoscope.
The signals from DSSSD, all n-sides of Si pads and CsI were positive which all are in MSCF-5.
Thus, I and RuiJiu, changed the polarity jumpers of MSCF 1,2,3 and 4(all the four jumpers inside the mentioned MSCF) and now hope to see positive signals from the p-side of all the Si pads.
  34   Sat Mar 28 13:09:11 2020 Mei,Yury, Tino, Ragan, RuijiuGeneralShift plan
From Yury,

For now, measure the beam life time with 3 different electron current in the e-cooler,i.e. 200mA(default), 10mA, and 20mA. For each current, 4 sets of 30mins long measurements shall be taken.

Starting from 9pm Helmut and Sergey will come for setting up FRS
  35   Sat Mar 28 13:19:56 2020 RaganRunsTemplate
storage time:

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  mm
Detector position (MWPC):       mm

run start at xx:xx , first file: run0xxx.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xxx.lmd



I_cooler =  mA

CH1 voltage:           60V  
CH1 leakage current:   uA

CH2 voltage:           60V  
CH2 leakage current:   uA

CH3 voltage:           60V  
CH3 leakage current:   uA

CH4 voltage:           60V  
CH4 leakage current:   uA

CH1 voltage:           60V  
CH1 leakage current:   uA

CH2 voltage:           60V  
CH2 leakage current:   uA

CH3 voltage:           -50V  
CH3 leakage current:   uA

CH4 voltage:           -160V  
CH4 leakage current:   uA

SIS particles before:           
ESR particles after stacking:     
Number of stackings:
Target ON density:   
Target on time for measurement:           

NTCAp file:

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
  36   Sat Mar 28 14:19:24 2020 Ragan, RuiJiu, Mei, YuriGeneralInstructions to change the electron cooler current
Attached are the instructions on how to change the electron cooler current for the lifetime measurements of 206Pb81+ beam (interaction with residual gas and electron cooler).
  37   Sat Mar 28 15:07:40 2020 ruijiuDAQstart run
  38   Sat Mar 28 15:19:23 2020 ruijiu start run e121_run_0236.lmd
store 206Pb81+ beam inside ESR and measure its halflife. 
The HV of detector is off.
Start DAQ to record the ESR current in lmd file.
Nik is optimizing the gas jet target. So this file is still test run.
  39   Sat Mar 28 15:23:05 2020 Alex, Ragan, Mei Bai Generalbeam lifetime measurement
We see two species in the Schottky spectra during the beam lifetime measurement without the target. The one (probably the primiary beam) is significantly better cooled than the other.
So, we were wondering what is the other beam? Maybe the recombined ones?
  40   Sat Mar 28 16:09:50 2020 AlexGeneralno beam in the ESR
Ragan and Ruijiu went in the ESR for short time to fix something with the slow control of the silicon detector.
After this, there is no beam in the ESR.
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b