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  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 25 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Mon Mar 23 03:53:41 2020, Shahab, Runs, Reduced intensity inspite of faulty kicker,  
SIS Kicker is still faulty. but we managed to reduce again the intensity to around 2e6 particles in ring to reduce scattering on scraper.
Entry  Sat Mar 21 17:34:10 2020, Sergiy, General, Recoils,  
We started recording the data from the recoils using the MCP from Pierre-Michael's experiment. 
17:30 File opened: recoils1662.lmd.
data is stored at lxg1299: data.local2/hillenbrand/Laszlo
Entry  Sat Mar 21 13:44:16 2020, Pierre-Michel, Detectors, Recoil detector,  Recoil.pdf
We turn on Recoil detector, to use it as a monitor for target overlap.

MCP front -2500 V for highest signal rate. 
(Used to be -2250 V during previous beam time.)

DAQ triggered with 1 kHz clock in 2nd trigger input.
(2nd trigger used to be x-rays in previous beam time.)

The picture shows the increase of the Recoil rate when increasing the voltage from 2250 V to 2500 V in steps of 50 V. The last shot was taken without beam, so just target on.
Entry  Mon Mar 23 00:39:52 2020, Shahab, General, Ramping cycle picture and data,  2020-03-23_machine_cycle_ramping.bmp2020-03-23_machine_cycle_ramping.xlsx
Complete ramping cycle recorded from Oscilloscope Tektronix MSOX2024A.
 Stored as XLS file.
Entry  Tue May 25 18:46:04 2021, Robert/Shahab, Accelerator, Quadrupoles down, 2021 
All quadrupoles went off, waiting for the on-call service
Entry  Fri Jun 7 14:39:36 2019, Jan, Detectors, Pt100 installation & readout,  det_connector.pngPt100_readout.JPG
The new detector holder incorporates a Pt100 temperature sensor, which is UHV compatible. The Pt-resistor is read out via 4 wires. These wires are integrated into the D-SUB connector of the detector. The new wires use the pins as shown in the attached picture

Additionally, a new cable for air-sided connection to the feedthrough is made. This one has an additional outgoing branch for the 4-wire Pt-100 readout, which can be connected to the readout device.

The readout device is an Omega DP32Pt, which provides pre-calibrated conversion to temperature values for many sensor types.
Entry  Thu Sep 13 11:42:33 2018, Jan Glorius, Collaboration, Proposal,  E127_Reifarth_pg.pdfE127_Approval.pdf
Attached is the beam time proposal submitted and accepted by the G-PAC in 2017.
Entry  Mon Mar 23 06:20:06 2020, Shahab, Runs, Position on scintillator corrected sitll no beam in ESR,  IMG_20200323_061337.jpg
position on the scintillator was corrected by the OPs to center, but beam is still not in ESR.
Entry  Tue Mar 24 10:20:26 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, Pictures of the xray calibration,  IMG_20200324_101357.jpgIMG_20200324_101303.jpgIMG_20200324_101334.jpgIMG_20200324_100725.jpg
Entry  Wed May 26 18:37:34 2021, Ragan, Thanassis, General, Optimization target bump/overlapp, 2021 
| bump position | X ray bdt ON | Si rate ON |
| -11.5         | 120          | 4-5        |
| -10.5         | 100          | 5          |
| -9.5          | 85           | 5          |
| -12.5         | 100          | 6          |

-11.5 bump position is taken for the data taking.
Entry  Thu May 27 08:26:15 2021, Yuri, Beatriz, General, Optimisation beam position on target and scraper position, 2021 
Optimised overlap with the target by shifting the beam from -11.5 to 12.8 mm. This lead to an increase of the DSSSD rate of a factor between 2.5 or 3.
Adjusted scraper position  by looking at x-ray rate and move it from +1 to +2. 
Entry  Tue May 25 13:49:51 2021, Oliver, Diego, Jan, General, No Beam, 2021 
No beam from 13:49:00 until 
Entry  Sat May 29 23:05:52 2021, Oliver, Diego, General, No Beam, 2021 
Due to a radioprotection issue in CaveA there is no beam. We wait for the radioprotection shift to arrive...

Beam back at 23:18
Entry  Mon May 24 06:30:42 2021, Ragan, DAQ, NTCAP, 2021 
NTCAP started for recording Schottky data


Reference level: -30 dBm
Carrier frequency: 245 M
IQ Rate: 20 MS/s

RF attenuation (dB): 40
IF attenuation (dB): 19.9288


ESR settings:
We recorded 3-4 full cycles with 5 stacks.
Then we recorded in SC5 manipulation for 10 min and afterwards in SC3 manipulation for 10 min.
Entry  Thu Jan 17 08:45:43 2019, Jan, Detectors, Micron W1 DSSSD - technical information,  6x
Attached are the spec sheets and design drawings of the new DSSSDs from Micron.
Additionally, the 3D model made by Laszlo is also attached as stp and dwg.
Entry  Sat Mar 21 11:30:04 2020, Laszlo, General, MWPC movement,  MWPC_movement.png
now we try to move the capture detector (MWPC in the 1. dipol before our Si setup) inside the ring while the DAQ was ON

we tried to move it as close as possible to the beam

On the picture below you can see that we had some increased current while moving the MWPC --> scattering from the beam while scraping it
Entry  Tue Jun 25 21:19:50 2019, Laszlo, Simulations, MOCADI input parameters,  template.pdfsteck2004.pdf
initial BEAM input parameters for MOCADI are based on:
- https://web-docs.gsi.de/~weick/mocadi/download/esr-exl-test.in --> twist parameters (ratio of X/A and B/Y)
- M. Steck et al, Electron cooling experiments at the ESR, NIM A 532 (2004) 357-365 --> epsilon_x = 5·10^-7
m*rad, dp/p = 10^-4

Example input for 6AMeV 111Sn beam:

6 , 0 , 110.8803121305 , 50
0.27386, 0.182573, 0, 0, 0
0.131477, 0.383186, 0, 0, 0
0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0

For more explanation please see the attached pdf.
Entry  Sat Mar 21 13:37:53 2020, Laszlo, , MCP can monitor target,  
now with the MCP we can see clearly the effect of the target :) (scintillation?)
so we want to scan through the target thickness with the beam and choose the best position afterwards.

We are making 3shoots for each bumb position (we change the bumb to make the intersection between beam and target) starting at ~14:

the data will be saved at the lxg1299 data.local2/hillenbrand/Laszlo folder
Entry  Tue May 25 22:03:22 2021, Robert/Shahab, Runs, Lifetime measurement, 2021 
Run 0118

Gas jet target has been turned off for lifetime measurement.

Two cycles, each 6 min long
Entry  Sun Mar 22 12:50:00 2020, Shahab, Runs, Life time of 10 MeV/u Tail of 118-Te-52+,  target_off.jpgtarget_on.jpg
The life time of 10 MeV/u Tail of cycle 118-Te-52+ was analyzed using Schottky peak intensity. Schottky signal was taken from the parallel plate Schottky monitor at  using the:

Tektronix RSA5103B analyzer parameters:
Frequency = 39.8380 MHz
span = 50 kHz
RBW = 100 Hz
AcqBW = 78.12 kHz

The peak intensity is integrated power of the resolution bandwidth. 

Trigger was set to machine 12, same as gas target "on" signal. Each file contains 40 seconds of recorded signal. Spectra were calculated using sensitive multitaper method with additional averaging of every 10 time frames.

After evaluation of several Schottky spectra, except from some fluctuations, there was no significant change in beam lifetime with or without gas target. They are in the same order of magnitude, that is, it seems that target interaction is not so prominent compared to the rest of the ring. with a xenon target the situation would be much different.

Attached are some plots. Also here are the results of the analyzed files in text form:

Target off: average 9.21 sec

118Te52+_-2020. t= 9.24733015363724
118Te52+_-2020. t= 8.070302067046537
118Te52+_-2020. t= 9.309208734357618
118Te52+_-2020. t= 7.94474492655749
118Te52+_-2020. t= 11.510487780556794

Target on: average 10.9 secs

118Te52+_-2020. t= 9.80012584127354
118Te52+_-2020. t= 11.751070659928155
118Te52+_-2020. t= 10.719205394679026
118Te52+_-2020. t= 13.722763765411063
118Te52+_-2020. t= 8.513007281444073
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b