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  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 25 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Mon Mar 23 03:53:41 2020, Shahab, Runs, Reduced intensity inspite of faulty kicker,  
Entry  Sat Mar 21 17:34:10 2020, Sergiy, General, Recoils,  
Entry  Sat Mar 21 13:44:16 2020, Pierre-Michel, Detectors, Recoil detector,  Recoil.pdf
Entry  Mon Mar 23 00:39:52 2020, Shahab, General, Ramping cycle picture and data,  2020-03-23_machine_cycle_ramping.bmp2020-03-23_machine_cycle_ramping.xlsx
Entry  Tue May 25 18:46:04 2021, Robert/Shahab, Accelerator, Quadrupoles down, 2021 
Entry  Fri Jun 7 14:39:36 2019, Jan, Detectors, Pt100 installation & readout,  det_connector.pngPt100_readout.JPG
Entry  Thu Sep 13 11:42:33 2018, Jan Glorius, Collaboration, Proposal,  E127_Reifarth_pg.pdfE127_Approval.pdf
Entry  Mon Mar 23 06:20:06 2020, Shahab, Runs, Position on scintillator corrected sitll no beam in ESR,  IMG_20200323_061337.jpg
Entry  Tue Mar 24 10:20:26 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, Pictures of the xray calibration,  IMG_20200324_101357.jpgIMG_20200324_101303.jpgIMG_20200324_101334.jpgIMG_20200324_100725.jpg
Entry  Wed May 26 18:37:34 2021, Ragan, Thanassis, General, Optimization target bump/overlapp, 2021 
Entry  Thu May 27 08:26:15 2021, Yuri, Beatriz, General, Optimisation beam position on target and scraper position, 2021 
Entry  Tue May 25 13:49:51 2021, Oliver, Diego, Jan, General, No Beam, 2021 
Entry  Sat May 29 23:05:52 2021, Oliver, Diego, General, No Beam, 2021 
Entry  Mon May 24 06:30:42 2021, Ragan, DAQ, NTCAP, 2021 
Entry  Thu Jan 17 08:45:43 2019, Jan, Detectors, Micron W1 DSSSD - technical information,  6x
Entry  Sat Mar 21 11:30:04 2020, Laszlo, General, MWPC movement,  MWPC_movement.png
Entry  Tue Jun 25 21:19:50 2019, Laszlo, Simulations, MOCADI input parameters,  template.pdfsteck2004.pdf
Entry  Sat Mar 21 13:37:53 2020, Laszlo, , MCP can monitor target,  
Entry  Tue May 25 22:03:22 2021, Robert/Shahab, Runs, Lifetime measurement, 2021 
Entry  Sun Mar 22 12:50:00 2020, Shahab, Runs, Life time of 10 MeV/u Tail of 118-Te-52+,  target_off.jpgtarget_on.jpg
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b