E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028
  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 3 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Subjectdown Year
  49   Sun Mar 15 17:14:08 2020 LaszloCalibrationrun036 - Xray90 calib Am241, distance 200! 
Detector: 90
Source: Am241 
Distance: 200mm
Start time: 17:15:12 15.03.2020
Stop time:  17:32:17 15.03.2020

file name: run036_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 450Hz
dead-time:  5%
  46   Sun Mar 15 15:08:44 2020 JanCalibrationrun035 - Xray145 calib B133 high rate 
measurement with old tennelec specAmps, do not use for efficiency!

Detector: 145
Source: B133 high rate
Distance: 305mm
Start time: 15:10:15 15.03.2020
Stop time:  15:31:16 15.03.2020

file name: run035_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 1kHz
dead-time:  12%
  45   Sun Mar 15 14:41:34 2020 JanCalibrationrun034 - Xray145 calib B133 high rate -SOURCE MOVED! 
measurement with old tennelec specAmps, do not use for efficiency!

The source moved during the calibration, measurement stopped at half time.

Detector: 145
Source: B133 high rate
Distance: 305mm
Start time: 14:54:47 15.03.2020
Stop time:  15:06:53 15.03.2020

file name: run034_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 1kHz
dead-time:  11%
  44   Sun Mar 15 13:52:05 2020 JanCalibrationrun033 - Xray145 calib Am241 
measurement with old tennelec specAmps, do not use for efficiency!

Detector: 145
Source: Am-241
Distance: 305mm
Start time: 14:15;56 15.03.2020
Stop time:  14:40:21 15.03.2020

file name: run033_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 300Hz
dead-time:  4%
  43   Sun Mar 15 13:40:11 2020 JanCalibrationrun032 - Xray90 calib Ba133 
measurement with old tennelec specAmps, do not use for efficiency!

Detector: 90
Source: Ba-133 weak source
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 13:39:30 15.03.2020
Stop time: 13:50:55 15.03.2020

file name: run032_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 150Hz
dead-time:  1.5%
  42   Sun Mar 15 13:08:38 2020 JanCalibrationrun031 - Xray90 calib Ba133 hi-rate 
measurement with old tennelec specAmps, do not use for efficiency!

Detector: 90
Source: Ba-133 strong source
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 13:28:42 15.03.2020
Stop time:13:38:16 15.03.2020

file name: run031_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 2.7kHz
dead-time:  25%
  41   Sun Mar 15 09:42:40 2020 JanCalibrationrun030 - Xray90 calib Am241 
measurement with old tennelec specAmps, do not use for efficiency!

Detector: 90
Source: Am-241
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 13:06:55 15.03.2020
Stop time:  13:24:57 15.03.2020

file name: run030_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 650Hz
dead-time:  7%
  566   Sun May 30 14:38:09 2021 Jan GloriusCalibrationrun0216 - X-calib. 90-ba 35-pb2021
Efficiency calibration in ESR after experiment

GEM1800 @ 90deg (xray1) 
GEM3000 @ 35deg (xray2)
GLP2000 @ 145deg (xray3)

Detectors: 90 + 35 
Source @ 90deg: 133Ba_lo
Source @ 35deg: 210Pb
Distance: each
Start time: 14:46:46 - 30.05.2021
Stop time:  20:11:08 - 30.05.2021

file name: e127b_run0216.lmd
avrg. rate: 330Hz
dead-time:  3%
  568   Sun May 30 14:48:09 2021 Jan, SophiaCalibrationrun0215 - crap2021
  565   Sun May 30 13:23:26 2021 Jan GloriusCalibrationrun0214 - X-calib. 90-ba 145-ba 35-am2021
Efficiency calibration in ESR after experiment

GEM1800 @ 90deg (xray1) 
GEM3000 @ 35deg (xray2)
GLP2000 @ 145deg (xray3)

Detectors: 90 + 145 + 35 
Source @ 90deg: 133Ba_lo
Source @ 145deg: 133Ba_hi
Source @ 35deg: 241Am_hi
Distance: each
Start time: 13:22:38 - 30.05.2021
Stop time:  14:28:09 - 30.05.2021

file name: e127b_run0214.lmd
avrg. rate: 1150Hz
dead-time:  8%
  564   Sun May 30 11:32:06 2021 Jan GloriusCalibrationrun0213 - X-calib. 90-am 145-pb 35-ba2021
Efficiency calibration in ESR after experiment

GEM1800 @ 90deg (xray1) 
GEM3000 @ 35deg (xray2)
GLP2000 @ 145deg (xray3)

Detectors: 90 + 145 + 35 
Source @ 90deg: 241Am_hi
Source @ 145deg: 210Pb
Source @ 35deg: 133Ba_hi
Distance: each
Start time: 11:31:47 - 30.05.2021
Stop time:  13:10:14 - 30.05.2021

file name: e127b_run0213.lmd
avrg. rate: 700Hz
dead-time:  6%
  563   Sun May 30 10:24:20 2021 Jan GloriusCalibrationrun0212 - X-calib. 90-pb 145-am2021
Efficiency calibration in ESR after experiment

GEM1800 @ 90deg (xray1) 
GEM3000 @ 35deg (xray2)
GLP2000 @ 145deg (xray3)

Detectors: 90 + 145 
Source @ 90deg: 210Pb
Source @ 145deg: 241Am_hi
Distance: each
Start time: 10:24:55 - 30.05.2021
Stop time:  11:19:29 - 30.05.2021

file name: e127b_run0212.lmd
avrg. rate: 250Hz
dead-time:  2%
  522   Fri May 28 14:40:03 2021 JanRunsrun0175 - BaF calib. 22Na2021
  356   Thu May 20 17:31:28 2021 Beatriz, LaszloCalibrationrun00512021
  355   Thu May 20 15:15:54 2021 Beatriz, LaszloCalibrationrun00502021
  349   Tue May 18 11:22:57 2021 Jan GloriusCalibrationrun0049 - calib all Xray det.2021
Efficiency calibration in ESR

GEM1800 @ 90deg (xray1)
GEM3000 @ 35deg (xray2)
GLP2000 @ 145deg (xray3)

Detector: all
Source @ 90deg: 210Pb
Source @ 35deg: 133Ba_hi
Source @ 145deg: 241Am_hi
Distance: each
Start time: 11:22:36 - 18.05.2021
Stop time:  13:36:55 - 18.05.2021

file name: e127b_run0049.lmd
avrg. rate: 400Hz
dead-time:  3%
  347   Tue May 18 01:03:59 2021 Jan GloriusCalibrationrun0048 - calib all Xray det.2021
Efficiency calibration in ESR

GEM1800 @ 90deg (xray1)
GEM3000 @ 35deg (xray2)
GLP2000 @ 145deg (xray3)

Detector: all
Source @ 90deg: 210Pb
Source @ 35deg: 133Ba_hi
Source @ 145deg: 241Am_hi
Distance: each
Start time: 01:20:23 - 18.05.2021
Stop time:  11:05:30 - 18.05.2021

file name: e127b_run0048.lmd
avrg. rate: 400Hz
dead-time:  3%
  348   Tue May 18 01:21:27 2021 Jan GloriusCalibrationrun0047 - crap2021
  343   Sun May 16 11:25:25 2021 Jan GloriusCalibrationrun0046 - Xray E-calib 241Am all dets2021
Detectors: Xray1 (GEM1800), Xray2 (GLP), Xray3 (GEM3000)
Sources: different Am241 at each detector

Start time: 11:25:04 - 16.05.2021
Stop time:  11:29:45 - 16.05.2021

file name: e127b_run0046.lmd
avrg. rate: 6000Hz
dead-time:  30%
  342   Sat May 15 20:21:59 2021 Jan GloriusCalibrationrun0045 - Si pulser run2021
Detector: DSSD
Source: CAEN Detector Emulator

Start time: 20:24:14 - 15.05.2021
Stop time:  21:01:34 - 15.05.2021

file name: e127b_run0045.lmd
avrg. rate: 1000Hz
dead-time:  7.5%

Si bias test cycle:
0V > 50V/200uA > 100V/280uA > 150V/370uA > 120V/320uA > 90V/260uA > 60V/210uA > 30V/160uA > 0V
This cycle is run twice i the first 15 minutes and shall be used for calibration of the scaler channels.

Also ESR trafo is running with beam.
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b