E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028
  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 28 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Subjectdown Year
  471   Wed May 26 15:30:03 2021 Ragan, ThanassisGeneralChanging the beam energy 2021
The ESR team is changing the beam energy to 6 MeV/u.
  316   Thu May 6 11:03:46 2021 Jan GloriusDAQCabling Documentation2021
Attachment 1: e127b_cabling_docu_06_05_2021_.pdf
e127b_cabling_docu_06_05_2021_.pdf e127b_cabling_docu_06_05_2021_.pdf
Attachment 2: e127b_2021_cabling_documentation.xlsx
  346   Sun May 16 13:31:49 2021 LaszloDAQCabling Documentation2021
Si HV and current was switched in the last documentation.
Attachment 1: e127b_2021_cabling_documentation.xlsx
  Draft   Fri Jun 28 14:06:28 2019 JanGeneralCAD of (p,g) setup 
  350   Tue May 18 21:08:16 2021 ESR teamGeneralBeam stacking2021
Beam stacking. 3 pulses, stochastically cooled and stacked on an inner orbit
Attachment 1: 5B6943AF-DF56-4B0F-A77E-1E3C65B3B0C0.jpeg
Attachment 2: B590F232-450A-4ACF-BBA4-DB31B7B35FDA.jpeg
  572   Tue Jun 8 15:06:17 2021 ShahabAnalysisBeam lifetime2021
measured beam lifetime after the second deceleration using parallel plate Schottky detector and the RSA5103 spectrum analyser. Analysis code can be found here:


The plots here were produced using the script:


UPDATE 2022-06-30:

Life times have been slightly corrected. Please see attachment.

Filename	Start Frame	Correct Lifetime [s]	Mean [s]
pgamma_lifetime-2021.	29500	1.43	
pgamma_lifetime-2021.	29500	1.55	1.49
pgamma_lifetime-2021.	53500	1.75	
pgamma_lifetime-2021.	34900	1.89	1.82
Attachment 1: pgamma_lifetime.001.png
Attachment 2: pgamma_lifetime.002.png
  353   Wed May 19 19:47:14 2021 YuriGeneralBeam Halflife at 30 AMeV2021
Attachment 1: 2021-05-19_17-35-00_tcl1032_lassie-monitor.png
  449   Tue May 25 17:12:59 2021 Robert/ShahabAcceleratorBeam2021
Beam is back; It is now being optimized
  250   Mon Mar 23 14:23:01 2020 Pierre-MichelDAQBackup recoil files 
Recoil detector files backup to lxg1260:/data.local2/hillenbrand/Laszlo
  3   Wed Feb 6 10:04:23 2019 Laszlo VargaSimulationsBackground subtraction for 124Xe, 109In, 73As made by MOCADI 

General remarks to the MOCADI simulations:

  1. scraper size vertically > (p,g) spot at the scraping position --> (p,g) can be separated by truncating the backscattered Rutherford events in the energy.

  2. replacing the atomic masses to nuclear masses does not change significantly the absolute positions of the (p,g) and the Rutherford. However, the (p,g) spot in the simulation seems bigger using the nuclear masses, than in the 124Xe experiment with a factor ~1.6.

  3. going for lighter elements, the separation between (p,g) and Rutherford getting better, than slit can be placed even more far from the beam in x (radial) direction. For 124Xe the minimal distance from the beam axis is <4cm, for 73As it is <7.5cm.

  4. in the simulations the scraping is mostly until x=-inf. However, if the scraping is incomplete in x, we can end up with underlying background events below the p,g peak (see the last slides)! The Rutherford cone gets bigger by going down with A,Z. For 91Nb the minimal width of the scraper: x>6cm, for 73As x>7cm. Therefore, I suggest to have a scraper width x=9cm. For the y, y=6cm should be safe.

  5. for lighter elements, the (p,g) spot size increases: in the simulation for 73As it reaches the detector size. However, the (p,g) spot size might be overestimated, please read the 2. point.
Attachment 1: template.pdf
template.pdf template.pdf template.pdf template.pdf template.pdf template.pdf template.pdf template.pdf
  88   Fri Mar 20 22:26:42 2020 JanDetectorsBaF2 deactivated 
BaF2 detectors are deactivated nor for the following runs.
  32   Tue Feb 11 13:20:01 2020 JanDetectorsBaF2 - HV settings 
with these HV values the 6 channels are roughly gain matched, such that the 7.83 MeV Po-decay is around channel 5000.
Attachment 1: BaF2_HV_settings.png
Attachment 2: baf_bg_ch1.png
  85   Fri Mar 20 16:54:53 2020 JanDAQBaF OFF downscaled red=32 
I introduced a downscaling by a factor of 2^5=32 for the BaF2 during target OFF.
The reason is, that we get a lot reasonable x-ray counts (K-alpha, K-REC) outside target ON phase.
So i want to minimize our deadtime during target OFF, to be able to use the data efficiently if needed.
BaF2 is not really needed in target OFF.
  288   Wed Mar 31 13:52:04 2021 JanDetectorsBaF Na22 Testing2021
On 30. and 31.03.2021 we did some testing with the 6 BaF detectors.

Trigger & threshold:
With a threshold at ~250 keV, each detector has an trigger rate of about 0.5kHz due to internal activity.

Energy spectra
All detectors showed the Na22 lines (511 + 1275 keV) and also the lines from internal activity.
The energy resolution was on the order of 8.5 - 11 keV, depending on the detector.

Time spectra
Raw TDC spectra showed self-stop peak.
TDC diff spectra (between detectors) show one main (sharp) correlation peak about 8ns = 30ch*0.293ns/ch off the zero. 
At very low intensity a time structure around this peak is visible in a region of 120ns around the main peak. This is not understood, the energy spectra look similar for all these time regions (above/on/below the main peak).
Additionally, the coincidence E-specta between detector 1 and 2 (gating on the main time peak), nicely showed only the 511 keV line from Na22 and some gras.

Overnight test run:
Det. 1, 2, 3, 4 with the Na22 source


Gain matched HV settings: https://elog.gsi.de/esr/E127/289

Issues to solve:
- 2 missing HV channels
- Go4 Analysis not stable
- trigger not on Baf but on Si
  289   Wed Mar 31 13:57:27 2021 JanDetectorsBaF HV settings2021
The setting below is a start value for final gain matching with a full ADC range of 12MeV:

Det.Nr. ADC/TDC ch HV MSCF Gain
1 20 2400V 6
2 21 1780V 6
3 22 2350V 6
4 23 2130V 6
5 24 2050V 6
6 25 1780V 6
  290   Wed Apr 14 09:42:50 2021 JanDetectorsBaF HV gain matching2021
The preliminary gain matching settings for a full ADC range of ~12MeV:

Det.Nr. ADC/TDC ch HV I comment
1 20 2400V 390uA CAEN HV ch0
2 21 1763V 287uA CAEN HV ch1
3 22 2340V 380uA CAEN HV ch2
4 23 2175V 354uA CAEN HV ch3
5 24 2017.5V ? emetron HV
6 25 1780V ? not yet biased

Attached is a 22Na-spectrum taken with detectors 1 - 5.
The used MSCF settings are also attached.

Detector 6 does not yet have a HV channel available.
Attachment 1: BaF_Na22_gain_match_v1.png
Attachment 2: baf_gain_match_v1.dat
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getGainCommon 15
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getShapingTimeCommon 3
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThresholdCommon 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPzCommon 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getGain1  6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getGain2  6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getGain3  6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getGain4  6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getShapingTime1 3
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getShapingTime2 3
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getShapingTime3 3
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getShapingTime4 3
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold1 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold2 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold3 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold4 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold5 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold6 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold7 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold8 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold9 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold10 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold11 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold12 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold13 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold14 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold15 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold16 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz1    6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz2    3
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz3    3
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz4    1
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz5    5
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz6    5
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz7    6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz8    6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz9    6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz10   6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz11   6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz12   6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz13   6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz14   6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz15   6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz16   6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getSingleChMode 1
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getRcMode 1
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getAutoPZ 0
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getMultiplicityHi 8
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getMultiplicityLo 1
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getSumTrgThresh 100
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getBlrOn  0
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getCoincTime 100
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshOffset 1
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getShaperOffset 100
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getBlrThresh 10
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getECLDelay 0
  521   Fri May 28 14:14:31 2021 LaszloGeneralAlvarez failure at 10:30 28:05:20212021
  411   Sun May 23 15:36:10 2021 Rui-Jiu Chen& AlexGeneralAll shifts until Monday morning (24th May) have been cancelled. 2021
All shifts until Monday morning (24th May) have been cancelled. 
Next update on further situation (in particular concerning the morning shift on Monday) will be given tonight .
  188   Sun Mar 22 13:33:19 2020 LaszloGeneral2nd storage of MCP data 
I made a backup for the MCP data on my own GSI laptop. Looking for better solution...
the original "fresh" files stored at litv-exp@lxg1299:/data.local2/hillenbrand/Laszlo/
  271   Mon Apr 6 04:39:19 2020 LaszloCalibration2. Xray energy calibration 
30angle:  E[keV] = 0.015898 *ch-1.91
90angle:  E[keV] = 0.0211075*ch-2.39
145angle: E[keV] = 0.01663  *ch-1.758
Attachment 1: 30angle_Xray_second_calibration.png
Attachment 2: 90angle_Xray_second_calibration.png
Attachment 3: 145angle_Xray_second_calibration.png
Attachment 4: Am_Ba.cal
#gaus fit, gaus fit error, literature (nndc), literature error
#literature used:
#where there is no error given, I put +/-.5 to the last digit
1.77780e+03 8.30485e-02 26.3446 0.0002
3.86555e+03 2.20759e-02 59.5409 0.0001
2.06701e+03 1.25971e-01 30.973 0.0005
2.32011e+03 8.82876e-02 34.987 0.0005
2.37424e+03 2.01021e-01 35.818 0.0005
3.46400e+03 2.53619e-01 53.1622 0.0006
5.12992e+03 2.64070e-01 79.6142 0.0012
5.21686e+03 6.55175e-02 80.9979 0.0011
Attachment 5: Am_Ba.cal
#gaus fit, gaus fit error, literature (nndc), literature error
#literature used:
#where there is no error given, I put +/-.5 to the last digit
1.36175e+03 9.00555e-02 26.3446 0.0002
2.16961e+03 8.05264e-01 43.420 0.003
2.93441e+03 2.14830e-02 59.5409 0.0001
1.57547e+03 4.20575e-02 30.973 0.0005
1.77077e+03 1.39155e-01 34.987 0.0005
2.63200e+03 2.99411e-01 53.1622 0.0006
3.95276e+03 6.39294e-02 80.9979 0.0011
1.36182e+03 1.02182e-01 26.3446 0.0002
2.17086e+03 9.05336e-01 43.420 0.003
2.93383e+03 2.43152e-02 59.5409 0.0001
2.31714e+03 3.80548e-01 46.539 0.001
Attachment 6: 145_det_2calib_Am_Ba.cal
#gaus fit, gaus fit error, literature (nndc), literature error
#literature used:
#where there is no error given, I put +/-.5 to the last digit
1.69027e+03 2.31158e-01 26.3446 0.0002
3.68596e+03 5.13163e-02 59.5409 0.0001
1.95922e+03   6.96080e-02 30.973 0.0005
2.21589e+03 1.68384e-01 34.987 0.0005
3.30072e+03 5.68458e-01 53.1622 0.0006
4.97302e+03 1.24941e-01 80.9979 0.0011
Attachment 7: run115_133Ba_high_30.svg
Attachment 8: run111_241Am_90.svg
Attachment 9: run115_210Pb_90.svg
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b