E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038 E0075
  Nuclear hyperfine mixing in 229Th89+, Page 10 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Authordown Category Subject
  205   Mon Apr 11 07:54:37 2022 Danyal, Alexandre, Kristian, SebastianAcceleratorJump in E-cooler voltage
We saw a jump in the E-cooler voltage at about 7:50. 
jump from 209619 to 209610 V 

At 7:56 it jumped back to 209619 V
seems stable now  
  93   Tue Apr 5 09:39:01 2022 Danyal & YuriAcceleratorStrahl ist wieder im ESR - Schlitz war reingefahren
Der Strahl ist wieder im ESR! 
Angeblich war einen Schlitz, oder sogar 2, reingefahren worden. 
Es könnte entweder der GEEXDR11S und/oder den GEEXDR1AS  gewesen sein. 

Wir haben jetzt folgende Parameter: 

SIS Injektionsenergie = 537.5 MeV/u  (haben wir nicht geändert) 
Chopper window 70 us (nicht geändert) 

Wir haben jetzt etwa 1.2e9 Ionen pro Injektion im ESR
  94   Tue Apr 5 09:45:47 2022 Danyal & YuriAcceleratorbeam is back in the ESR - a slit was moved in
And now also in English :) 

The ion beam is back in the ESR! 
Apparently, there was a slit moved in. (Maybe even 2)

This could have been GEEXDR11S and/or the GEEXDR1AS 

We now have the following parameters: 

SIS injection energy = 537.5 MeV/u  (we did not change this) 
Chopper window 70 us (we did not change this) 

We now have about 1.2e9 ions per injection in the ESR
  165   Fri Apr 8 14:46:02 2022 Danyal & Sebastian & Volker & KenDetectorshigh dark countrate Cu PMT solved
The problem - "discovered" by Volker and Ken - of the high dark countrate of the Cu PMT has been solved. 

(when the Cu mirror was moved in, the dark countrate was very high ... also without ion beam) 

I asked Graziano Savino to check the vacuum gauges along the target side of the ESR (west side). 
The gauges at the laser window sections (which we do not use here!) - NW and SW - were still on. 
Volker remembered that, in the past, for the lowest dark countrate at the Cu PMT --> ALL GAUGES MUST BE SWITCHED OFF. 
Graziano turned them off and Sebastian and I checked the Cu PMT rate in DAQ1. 

Attached you can clearly see the difference: from 7500 cps to 400 cps. 

When the Cu mirror is retracted the dark countrate is 200 cps.  


PS The slow increase in one plot is due to the fact that Graziano switched on the light in the ESR. 
Attachment 1: IMG_20220408_082804.jpg
Attachment 2: IMG_20220408_083031.jpg
  140   Thu Apr 7 15:18:25 2022 Danyal & SebastianDAQDAQ channels
We checked again the cables for both DAQs 
(on Carsten's kind request) 

Channels for both DAQs are: 

0 XUV-Back 
1 XUV-Anode 
2 XUV-Anode-delayed 
3 PMT-South (new PMT, new threshold)
4 PMT-Middle 
5 PMT-North 
6 PMT-Cu 
7 Part-det-south 
8 Part-det-north 
9 - 
10 - 
11 - 
12 - 
13 PD-NO
14 PD-SO
15 Q-switch 
  106   Wed Apr 6 08:31:54 2022 Danyal & ReginaGeneralESR had some errors
Regina noticed that the ESR was "red" 

This means that there are some errors. 

She found: 
correction fields in the dipoles were off

GE01KP02 ... 05
GE01KP22 ... 24 

and some correction elements were off 


Regina would like to know since WHEN this is the case. 

In general, such errors affect the ion beam trajectory ! 

Regina will try to find out more details on how this may have shifted the orbit.
  113   Wed Apr 6 18:51:33 2022 Danyal & CarstenAcceleratortarget bump
This afternoon, we found out that Sergey has also implemented a "target bump". 
Although we do not use a target, this bump is still convenient because 
we can move the ion beam such that is passes perfectly through the Cu mirror. 

The setting is -8 mm and 1.3 mrad  (if I am not mistaken) 
We tested the effect on the position of the ion beam using the 
horizontal scrapers at the target: GEEXDS1HA and GEEXDS2HA. 

With the target bump set to "zero" (0 mm and 0 mrad), 
the ion beam passed 6-8 mm to the outside. 
This way, it will e.g. not pass centrally through the slit in the Cu mirror. 

With the target bump set to -8 mm and 1.3 mrad, which is the default setting, the ion beam passed centrally. 
Therefore, we left the target bump like this. 
  105   Wed Apr 6 08:06:02 2022 DanyalDAQstopped NTCAP data acquisition
I stopped the NTCAP data acquisition at 8 AM.

Let's hope that the file contains good data.
  107   Wed Apr 6 09:30:53 2022 DanyalAcceleratorESR is blue again - errors are fixed
The ESR is "blue" again. 

The errors (scu related) have been fixed. 

In principle, normal operation should be possible. 

After the morning meeting Regina will return to the main control room. 

I guess that we continue at 10 AM. 
  139   Thu Apr 7 14:13:27 2022 DanyalDetectorsnew PMT south
I have replaced the PMT south (looks at the gas target). 
in the hope that this will produce less dark counts. 
Thus far, the dark countrate is low (few Hz). 

brand: ET enterprises 
type:  2" photomultiplier, 9423B 
High voltage: -2.45 kV  (up to -3.5 kV) 
spectral range: 110 - 230 nm 

The power comes from an additional 2.5 kV supply. 
(I have changed the cable: was CH0 before) 
  206   Mon Apr 11 10:17:01 2022 DanyalAcceleratorInterlock - reset
Wie heutemorgen in der Sitzung (morning briefing) vereinbart, 
führt Herr Florenkowski einen Interlock und danach einen Reset von E02MK durch. 
Das dauert nur ca. 15 min. 

nach dem interlock wurde der ESR "rot" 

Um 10:21 war das problem gelöst und der ESR war wieder "blau"
  159   Fri Apr 8 11:02:04 2022 DW, YL, RSS, SL Change h=2 to h=1
After changing to h=1
The frequency manipulation #5: f=242.021487MHz (124th harmonic) [no bunching]
Manipulation #7: f=242.021812 MHz [with bunching]
  201   Sun Apr 10 15:29:37 2022 Carsten,SarperAcceleratorEcooler failed
Ecooler failed @15:23 Carsten is fixing it
Fixed @16:00
  185   Sat Apr 9 15:47:21 2022 Carsten, Rodolfo, Sarper, PatrickRunsAfternoon and night shift runs
After the morning shift, we got new increment (nm) for the laser scanning. We are now scanning 2 nm of wavelength range in 5 big steps (5 x 0.4 nm). Started with 323.2 nm - 322.8 nm range. Every big step (0.4 nm) is scanned with 0.002 nm of wavelength increment.

Every scan takes ~ 18 min (0.4 nm range with 0.002 nm steps), we have scanned 2 loops. Total scanning time ~36 min.

DAQ1: lxg1927:/data.local2/BeamTimeTh22/
DAQ2: lxg0155:/data.local2/E142/
LMD file name DAQ1:229Thor
LMD file name DAQ2:229Th

Schottky marker pos: 243.973MHz

TimeSIS-intensitycooler-HVLMD-DAQ1 start-endLMD-DAQ2 start-endscan range(nm)step width(nm)dwell time(s)comments
xx:xxx.xe9209xxx0xxx78xx32x.x - 32x.x0.002xsketch for filling the table
15:141.5e92096240111-01117847-7847323.2 - 322.80.0025s DAQ 2 no VUPROM TDC Pat south
xx:xx1.5e92096240111-01117847-7847323.2 - 322.80.0025s DAQ 2 changed TDC part south from ch 8 to ch 10
17:052.2e92096240113-01137848-7848323.2 - 322.80.0025s successful scan
19:041.8e92096160116-0116 7850-7850 323.2 - 322.80.0025s Intensity optimization, see below, DAQ 2 TDC part south back to channel 8 - ok, XUV detector and Cu mirror moved correctly, lost the laser beam after the half of the second loop
19:491.8e92096140117-0117 7851-7851 323.2 - 322.80.0025s successful scan
20:282.0e92096220118-0118 7852-7852 323.2 - 322.80.0025s successful scan
21:072.2e92096230119-119 7853-7853 323.2 - 322.80.0025s successful scan
22:011.8e92096210122-0122 7856-7856 323.2 - 322.80.0025s successful scan
22:41?20962001237857323.2 - 322.80.0025s First scan started by night shift
23:211.1e920962001247858323.2 - 322.80.0025s mbs crashed at 'sta ac'
23:321.3e920961801257859323.2 - 322.80.0025s e-cooler turned off
23:501.5e9209xxx01267860323.2 - 322.80.0025s the stop point was not set
23:531.5e920961101277861323.2 - 322.80.0025s DAQ2 must have crashed between 23:30 - 23:50
00:071.9e9209xxx01287862323.2 - 322.80.0025s mbs crashed at 'sta ac'
00:231.7e920962301317864323.2 - 322.80.0025s successful scan. we 'resl' after every measurement from now on. 'open file' is included in '@startup' now (ID:190).
01:081.6e920962301327865323.2 - 322.80.0025s successful scan
01:471.6e920962301337866323.2 - 322.80.0025s successful scan
02:351.3e920962301347868323.2 - 322.80.0025s successful scan
03:192.0e920962201357869323.2 - 322.80.0025s successful scan
04:041.3e920962201367870323.2 - 322.80.0025s successful scan
04:441.0e920962201377871323.2 - 322.80.0025s e-cooler turned off
05:251.9e920962201407875323.2 - 322.80.0025s successful scan. DAQ1 was started ~7s before DAQ2. The files between the last measurement an this one are essentially empty.

Carsten (19:00h): I notized that a lot of beam gets lost when starting scraping. I called Sergey Litvinov to help me to introduce some additional cooling/waiting (10s) after the ramp and before scraping and bunching. It increased the number of ions available for the measurement roughly by a factor of 3-5.

Some runs have wrong WM data. Set Wavelength is good.

Following files are saved differently, the command missed the 229Th in the end (/data.local2/BeamTimeTh22/229Thor -auto -rfio)
7850 (19:32)
7855 (21:56)
7856 (22:30)
  223   Wed Apr 13 14:29:04 2022 Carsten, Rodolfo, Sarper, David, Pierre-Michel, Max, SebastianRunsAfternoon - morning shift runs 13.+14.04.
Changed the wavelength scan range from 321.62 - 321.10 nm to 321.12 - 320.60 nm after one scan.

TimeSIS-intensitycooler-HVLMD-DAQ2 file nr LMD-DAQ1 file nr scan range(nm)step width(nm)dwell time(s)particles countedcomments
14:28 1.9e9 209618 0254 7983 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 7950
15:35 1.7e9 209613 0255 7984 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 7100 Wavelength range has changed starting from this scan
16:21 1.8e9 209612 0256 7985 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 6900
17:11 1.8e9 209619 0257 7986 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 7950
17:57 2.0e9 209618 0258-0259 7987 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 8900
18:48 2.1e9 209620 0260-0261 7988 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 9260 After the scan was complete, we have realized that TCL 1064 computer is crashed.. fixed @ 20:05
20:07 2.1e9 209621 0262 7989 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 7800
20:56 2.0e9 209620 0263 7990 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 8190 After closing file, we replaced the dye from the laser.
22:10 0 209620 0264 7991 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 0 No beam due to failures in Unilac and SIS. NTCAP stopped 01:44, restarted 02:15
02:20 1.5e9 209620 0265 7992 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 0 Electron cooler problem during scan, bad file.
02:52 1.4e9 209624 0266-0267 7993 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 3076 --> CU mirror in all time !!!
03:44 1.6e9 209625 0268-0269 7994 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 5156 --> CU mirror in all time !!!
04:35 1.7e9 209624 0270-0271 7995 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 3430 --> CU mirror in all time !!!
05:27 1.6e9 209621 0272-0273 7996 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 3200 --> CU mirror in all time !!!
06:17 1.6e9 209621 0274-0275 7997 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 3371 low particle count since 22:00, see ID:225, --> CU mirror in all time !!!
07:24 1.5e9 209622 0276-0277 7998 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 3366 --> CU mirror in all time !!!
08:33 1.6e9 209621 0278-0279 7999 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 2940 ecooler jumped to 209615 during measurement, --> CU mirror in all time !!!
09:26 1.5e9 209618 0280 8000 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s aborted, request of Carsten
09:46 1.6e9 209621 0283-285 8003 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 2950 small ecooler current changes (300mA injection and 50mA @ measurement), fragments survive in schottky @ lower frequencies (see attached pic1 and pic2), it seems to be that the cooler does not work correctly in "phase 1" (pic 1), --> CU mirror in all time !!!
11:28 1.75e9 209624 0287 8005 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s ~1800 ESR cooler back to 450mA (injection), 40mA (measurement), additional manual waiting time of 15s in machine 3 (after injection before ramping); ABORT laserscan on Carstens request after ~1 loop; Sergey arrived and we get some time for ion beam adjustements, --> CU mirror in all time !!!
12:23 1.5e9 209623 0289-0290 8007 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 8100 Cu mirror is again automated and intensity in ESR is back up ; @12:42 increase of the width of the ion beam (pic3) @12:43 again normal width, intensity dropped significantly over time afterwards
13:09 1.55e9 209622 0291-292 8008 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 4852 beam killed @ loop 2 scan nbr 253 (8 steps missed)
14:00 1e9 209622 0293-0294 8009 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 5509
14:48 9.5e8 209622 0295-0296 8010 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 5477
15:47 1e9 209622 0297-298 8011 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 6336
16:42 7e8 209619 0299 8012 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 2424
17:45 9.9e8 209620 0300 8013 321.12 - 320.60 0.002 5s 5133
Attachment 1: coolerProblemsAndFragments.JPG
Attachment 2: fragments.JPG
Attachment 3: BroaderIonBeam.JPG
Attachment 4: againNormalWidth.JPG
  200   Sun Apr 10 15:16:19 2022 Carsten, Rodolfo, SarperRunsRuns afternoon shifts 10.04
These are the measurement runs of the afternoon shift (10.04.).

Wavelength range is changed from 323.2 - 322.8 nm to 322.81 - 322.40 nm.

TimeSIS-intensitycooler-HVLMD-DAQ1 start-endLMD-DAQ2 start-endscan range(nm)step width(nm)dwell time(s)comments
16:261.95e92096200155-01557891-7891322.81 - 322.400.0025slaser scan did not work, labview (Thorium_main.vi) communication issue
16:511.8e92096200156-01567892-7892322.81 - 322.400.0025s
17:331.6e92096180157-01577893-7893322.81 - 322.400.0025s 7894 particles on the counter
18:171.6e92096180158-01587894-7894322.81 - 322.400.0025s 8200 particles on the counter
19:061.8e92096180159-01597895-7895322.81 - 322.400.0025s 8650 particles on the counter
19:441.9e92096180160-01607896-7896322.81 - 322.400.0025s 8600 particles on the counter
20:241.7e92096200161-01617897-7897322.81 - 322.400.0025s 4200 particles on the counter
21:041.7e92096190162-01627898-7898322.81 - 322.400.0025s 8380 particles on the counter
21:451.8e92096190163-01637899-7899322.81 - 322.400.0025s 8550 particles on the counter
22:241.8e92096190164-01647900-7900322.81 - 322.400.0025s 8016 particles on the counter
  230   Thu Apr 14 17:47:55 2022 Carsten, Rodolfo, Konstantin, SarperRunsAfternoon shift runs 14.04 changing the wavelength scan range
The new scan range is changed from 321.12 - 320.60 nm to 320.62 - 320.10 nm

TimeSIS-intensitycooler-HVLMD-DAQ2 file nr LMD-DAQ1 file nr scan range(nm)step width(nm)dwell time(s)particles countedcomments
18:36 9.5e8 209618 0301 8014 320.62 - 320.10 0.002 5s 6270
19:45 9.4e8 209615 0302 8015 320.62 - 320.10 0.002 5s 5400
20:44 8.4e8 209618 0303 8016 320.62 - 320.10 0.002 5s 4210
21:37 8.9e8 209616 0304 8017 320.62 - 320.10 0.002 5s 4550
  21   Fri Mar 18 16:51:27 2022 CarstenDAQMain DAQ /MBS error
MBS error "TDC data ready wait" solved. Common stop trigger (20 kHz) was missing. (according to Sebastian)
  29   Wed Mar 23 15:38:15 2022 CarstenGeneralNot all lights in the ESR can be switched off
Three of the lights in the ESR cannot be switched off. It seems that these lights are now "emergency lights" (with battery?). We will need to find dark plastik foilor similar to cover those lights during our beam time
  34   Thu Mar 24 17:10:33 2022 CarstenDAQDAQ / MBS VUPROM TDC buffer errors
VUPROM TDC buffer errors potentially due to long TDC common Stop gate (>1ms from div 200).
Signal piped through coinc. unit gicv es shorter sginal (~200ns). This signal used as common stop seems to have cured the TDC buffer errors..
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b