E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038
  Nuclear hyperfine mixing in 229Th89+, Page 8 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Tue Apr 5 15:25:47 2022, Sebastian, Kristian, Pierre-Michel, DAQ, Go4 Conditions for "TDC_stacked_Sig/Ref" histogram 
First version of TDC_stacked histograms implemented.

Under folder "Conditions" you can now integrate over user defined Limits (Xmin and Xmax).
Entry  Wed Apr 6 08:06:02 2022, Danyal, DAQ, stopped NTCAP data acquisition 
I stopped the NTCAP data acquisition at 8 AM.

Let's hope that the file contains good data.
Entry  Wed Apr 6 13:32:57 2022, Max, Sebastian, DAQ, LabView Cobra Channel List 
channel 0: linux time (epoch time)
channel 1: ms timer
channel 2: E-Cooler Voltage(Ohmlabs)
channel 3: Cobra Set Wavelength
channel 4: WS7 wavelength
channel 5: WS7 frequency
channel 6: WS7 status
channel 7: Status keysight (?)
channel 8: WS7 pressure (?)
channel 9: CobraMotorPosUpperPart
channel 10: CobraMotorPosLowerPart
channel 11: CobraNumberOfLoop
channel 12: StatusCobra
channel 13: WS7 temperature (?)
channel 14: CobraFromWavelength (higher wavelength)
channel 15: CobraToWavelength (lower wavelength) 
channel 16: CobraIncrement
channel 17: CobraStepNr
channel 18: status?
channel 19: PTB divider (not connected to cooler)
channel 20: ?

Entry  Thu Apr 7 00:36:36 2022, Uwe, DAQ, Threshholds and shaping Mesytec for ADC snapshot3.png
Entry  Thu Apr 7 03:06:15 2022, Patrick, DAQ, DAQ file sizes 
The file sizes of DAQ1 (229Thor) and DAQ2 (229Th, "Carstens DAQ") are different.
During 20min of laser scanning DAQ1 saves 4 files while DAQ2 saves 2 files which was 3.3 GB and 2 GB, respecively.
The file sizes of DAQ2 should always be greater than those of DAQ1, because of extra ADC data!

The problem seems to be solved after the recabling ID: 125.
Entry  Thu Apr 7 03:09:36 2022, Carsten, DAQ, NTCAP running since 02:40 
Entry  Thu Apr 7 03:44:21 2022, Patrick, DAQ, Measurement procedure 
Measurement procedure

- The laser hits the screen 'NO' (atppc017) right side of the burn spot
- Be ready to start a laser scan
- Scan laser goes into wavemeter!
- Have mbs connected
- Have go4 connected

Preparation done

- 'open file (...)' for DAQ1 & DAQ2
- request a new beam
- check scraping
- 'sta ac' for DAQ1 & DAQ2
- start laser scan

laser scan started

- 'sh ac' for DAQ1 & DAQ2
- check that acquisition is RUNNING and file is OPENED
- fill in table information in the ELOG.

laser scan complete

- 'sto ac' for DAQ1 & DAQ2
- 'close file'
- check if preparation is still fulfilled
- repeat from Preparation done
Entry  Thu Apr 7 04:10:18 2022, Ken Ueberholz, DAQ, Corrected cabling DAQ 2 20220407_043337.jpg
A lot of cables were wrongly or not 
connected to the DAQ 2. 

Channels are now for both DAQ:
0 XUV-Back
1 XUV-Anode
2 XUV-Anode-delayed
3 PMT-South
4 PMT-Middle
5 PMT-North
6 PMT-Cu
7 Part-det-south
8 Part-det-north
9 1kHz
10 -
11 -
12 Delay-common-stop
13 PD-NO
14 PD-SO
15 Q-switch

All data taken by the DAQ2 has to be 
considered as faulty up to now. 

Carsten was furious.
Entry  Thu Apr 7 05:23:50 2022, Patrick, DAQ, How To Start MBS for DAQ2 (Carstens DAQ) 
(MBS server should be running at the LXG0155 machine. If not you will get an error message. Then start the server - last command in console)

Just enter the following commands in the console of any PC

ssh stoe_exp@r4l-68
*** Password on a sheet of paper ***
cd /esr/usr/stoe_exp/E142Brandau/SCA... (auto complete with tab)
connect rfio lxg0155 -disk
open file lxg0155:/data.local2/E142/229Th -auto -rfio
sta ac

To stop MBS enter the following commands

sto ac
close file
disconnect rfio
Entry  Thu Apr 7 05:44:40 2022, Pierre-Michel, Ragan, DAQ, NTCAP settings 
Carrier Frequency: 244M
IQ Rate: 10M
reference Level: -30
RF - Attenuation: 40
IF - Attenuation: 19.9288

Masterpath p:\E142\sc
Masterpath p:\E142\IQ

Display: No Display

NTCAP data-taking is stopped at 5:44.

Entry  Thu Apr 7 07:40:09 2022, Danyal, Max, Sebastian, DAQ, No beam and DAQs crashed 
since shortly after 7 AM we have no beam in the ESR
(reason unclear) 

Both DAQs also crashed. 

Beam back in ESR at 7:20 or so 

Problems with restarting DAQ1 

Problems with restarting DAQ2 

Files names 7801 and 7804 and 0047 and 0050 cannot be used
Entry  Thu Apr 7 09:23:18 2022, Sebastian, DAQ, DAQ1 & DAQ2 - 1kHz and delayed cs removed 
Questionable 1kHz and delayed common stop signals has been removed.

These two cablings were for some previous tests.
Entry  Thu Apr 7 15:18:25 2022, Danyal & Sebastian, DAQ, DAQ channels 
We checked again the cables for both DAQs 
(on Carsten's kind request) 

Channels for both DAQs are: 

0 XUV-Back 
1 XUV-Anode 
2 XUV-Anode-delayed 
3 PMT-South (new PMT, new threshold)
4 PMT-Middle 
5 PMT-North 
6 PMT-Cu 
7 Part-det-south 
8 Part-det-north 
9 - 
10 - 
11 - 
12 - 
13 PD-NO
14 PD-SO
15 Q-switch 
Entry  Fri Apr 8 01:18:51 2022, Ken Ueberholz, DAQ, TODO: DAQ improvements  
For somebody who knows the DAQ1 code: Go4 resets the histograms with each laser step. Can there be additional histograms where the data gets accumulated?

And possibly a histogram where important detectors are plotted against the laser steps? The read back wavelength of the wavemeter is not very precise. 
Entry  Fri Apr 8 01:48:57 2022, Patrick, DAQ, Bugged Trending plots? 2022-04-08_Cobra_set_wavelength.png
The wavelengths/frequencies shown in the graph in the labview window do not match the wavelengths/frequencies in go4.
Compare the picture which shows an incomplete laser scan although the scans in the labview window are completed (The measurement was started at an 'elapsed MBS time' of 2700s and took 1700s/28min).
However, the displayed time is correct. Only the data seems to be "stretched".

The same is true for the 'XUV anode' detector. The counter in the electronic module is ahead of the displayed count rate in go4.

Additional Note: The 'Cobra set wavelength' plot shows wavelengths which seem to be measured. However, we would expect deterministic setpoints from the software, see picture.
Entry  Fri Apr 8 08:40:06 2022, Sebastian, DAQ, DAQ improvement 
Concerning ID 146 a new histogram for accumulating data (no cleaning histograms) can be found under

Entry  Fri Apr 8 14:12:57 2022, morning shift, DAQ, timing for h=1 2022-04-08_timing_h1_final.png
The timing for h=1 has been set up 

The time window is now twice as large as before! 
This means that we see the same ion bunch twice. 

(150 bins = 1 turn in the ESR) 

The PMT signal is exactly in between two cycles + the extra flight time (3 bins = 10 ns) from target to PMT north. 
Entry  Fri Apr 8 14:14:28 2022, Kristian, DAQ, Delay of bunch RF 
The bunch HF is now fed through a delay to shift the stop trigger relative to the PMT signal. The delay generator is placed directly after the CFG and before splitting the signal for the two DAQs. The relative timing of both DAQs was not changed.
Entry  Fri Apr 8 14:43:50 2022, Wilfried, DAQ, laser timing - Q-switch start IMG_20220408_143753_resized_20220408_023840170.jpg
below are my notes concerning laser timing / Q-switch start
Entry  Fri Apr 8 17:57:45 2022, Konstantin, DAQ, Laser scanning Artifacts_in_PMT_MiddleAndNorth.png

TimeSIS-intensity cooler-HV LMD-DAQ1 (R4L-68) LMD-DAQ2 (R4L-41) scan range (nm) step width(nm)dwell time(s) comments
17:28 1.1e9 - 0083 7822 322.3-321.3 0.01 4 Wrong scan range
17:48 1.4e9 209618 0084 7823 322.3-321.3 0.01 4 Wrong scan range
18:10 1.6e9 - 0085 7824 323.2-321.2 0.01 4 acquisition on r4l-68 crashed
18:13 2e9 - 0086 - 323.2-321.2 0.01 4 acquisition on r4l-41 crashed
18:29 1.9e9 209618 0087 7826 323.2-321.2 0.01 4 An artifact is observed at about 644nm <-> 322nm fundamental wavelength
20:17 2e9 209609 0089 7827 323.2-321.2 0.01 4 Cu-mirror and XUV detector are not driven at the moment. It is unclear for how long this was the case. Optimization of the accelerator settings were done before.
21:12 1.6e9 - 0089 7828 323.2-321.2 0.01 4 Laser got wrong pulse widths during this scan and also during the last one.

At about 20:00 the slits were adjusted to the h=1 settings:

NI: 5mm
NA: -3mm
SA: -10mm (also the voltage for the Scitnilator in this pocket was increased to 1500V)
SA_Scraper: +14mm
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b