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  nuclear two-photon decay, Page 10 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Subject Text Attachments
  53   Fri May 7 17:35:22 2021 Kanika, Sergey, Yuri, Wolfram, Michael, ShahabRunsEnergy change +6 MeV/uWe will now go up in energy to 447 MeV (+6
MeV) from the original energy
  52   Fri May 7 17:12:52 2021 Kanika, Sergey, Yuri, Wolfram, Michael, ShahabRunstrigger time back to 50%changed trigger time back to 50%

last file with 1% trigger: 
  51   Fri May 7 17:12:14 2021 Kanika, Sergey, Yuri, Wolfram, Michael, ShahabRunsEnergy change -6 MeV/uchanged the energy down to 435 MeV/u   
  50   Fri May 7 17:02:51 2021 Kanika, Sergey, Yuri, Wolfram, Michael, ShahabRunsnew sextupole setting 2There is new sextupole settings, but the scrapers
remain like last night (Helmut setting last
  49   Fri May 7 16:17:21 2021 Sergey, Yuri, Wolfram, ShahabRunsnew sextupole settingnew sextupole setting, isomer not visible
  48   Fri May 7 16:09:50 2021 YuriAcceleratorStop, change of sextuple settings    
  47   Fri May 7 14:33:23 2021 Andrew Ragan Yuri GeneralBeam is back    
  46   Fri May 7 14:06:02 2021 YuriAcceleratorSIS kicker failure    
  45   Fri May 7 12:37:35 2021 Ragan, Andrew, Yuri, AlexGeneralBack with beam We are back with the beam in the ESR since
  44   Fri May 7 11:40:20 2021 Ragan, Andrew, YuriGeneralScraper is fixed - optimisation stageScraper is fixed, we start again. Scraper
open to let everything through
  43   Fri May 7 10:46:40 2021 YuriAcceleratorGE02DS3HGThe scraper is blocked at -10 mm and -unfortunately-
blocks the beam in the ESR. Uli Popp is taking
  42   Fri May 7 10:05:06 2021 YuriAcceleratorE02DS3HG does not driveE02DS3HG stays at -35 mm and does not react   
  41   Fri May 7 09:58:04 2021 YuriAcceleratorSetting up KO extraction for CavesSIS optimisation requires us to stop. Only
sporadic shots.
  40   Fri May 7 09:56:43 2021 YuriCalibrationIdentification VerificationWith closed scrapers there are only a few
weak lines.
Open temporarily all scrapers in the ESR
  38   Fri May 7 09:36:32 2021 Ragan, Andrew, YuriGeneralBeam stop at 0928, adjust scopeIt was requested from the SIS to stop the
beam at 09:28 
Yuri is adjusting the scope in order to avoid
  37   Fri May 7 08:55:33 2021 Ragan, Andrew, YuriGeneralTrigger changedTrigger for both the spectrum analyzers is
changed from 50% to 1% by Yuri.
For this, the ESR pattern was stopped at
  36   Fri May 7 08:04:22 2021 Carlo Bruno, Desislava KalaydjievaAnalysis7:00 - 14:00 analysis shift(See
for remote shifter instructions. To be updated/corrected
  35   Fri May 7 07:52:12 2021 Ragan, AndrewGeneralTo change trigger positionXiangcheng suggested to change the trigger
position in order to start the file with
the injection. Nothing is changed at the
  34   Fri May 7 07:02:33 2021 Guy LeckenbyAnalysisOnline Monitoring PlotsIn compliment to Liliana's plots, this is
the summed spectra I calculated from 0338
to 0507.
  33   Fri May 7 06:53:56 2021 Akash, LilianaAnalysisSome plotsSome plots of statistics up to now  6x 
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