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  nuclear two-photon decay, Page 12 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Subject Text Attachments
  12   Thu May 6 16:45:42 2021 Ragan, Rui-JiuDAQData taking with NTCAPNTCAP is on and data taking has started.
On time: 16:39
  11   Thu May 6 14:30:23 2021 W. KortenGeneralTarget thicknessThickness of the Carbon target in the TE line
has been measured by centering the primary
78Kr beam in the ESR:
  10   Thu May 6 14:28:32 2021 Helmut WeickCalibrationBe target thickness calibration -> 1839 mg/cm^2Injection was optimized before with Cu-40
mg/cm^2 stripper.
This reduces energy of 78Kr from 370 MeV/u
  9   Thu May 6 13:26:56 2021 Helmut WeickDetectorsTE5 profile grids do not workThere are several issues.

1. The stepper motor drive does not react
  8   Thu May 6 00:32:57 2021 Helmut WeickSimulationsGICOSY file for TE beamline and ESRThis file has several options:
start in SIS, at TE3UF target or inside ESR,
choose with GOTO LABEL (G L)after start system
  6   Tue May 4 21:49:04 2021 Helmut WeickSimulationscut Brho by scrapersThe dispersion from the production target
into the ESR is not matched.
This is not good for momentum acceptance,
  5   Tue May 4 18:25:31 2021 Helmut WeickSimulationscutting of primary beamThe slits at TE4 and TE5 can be used to cut
away the unwanted 78Kr beam (see pictures).
We do not want activation of the beamline.
  4   Tue May 4 17:54:08 2021 Helmut WeickSimulationsupdated LISE fileThis file really has the optics like used
in the last ESR experiments.
Now the transmission is also a little bit
  3   Tue May 4 13:26:40 2021 YuriSimulationsExpected spectrum 72GeA       Z      M/q                Int    difference
in kHz@245MHz
68 30 2.263614752 35 -933.1
  2   Wed Apr 28 09:36:39 2021 Helmut WeickSimulationsLISE file for fragments from TE3UF into ESRUncooled beam on target at TE3UF with dispersion
and slit in TE beamlne and realistic injection
into ESR.
  1   Fri Apr 23 13:47:55 2021 Jan GloriusCollaborationexperiment proposal   ESR_Two-Photon_proposal_final.pdf 
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