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ID Date Author Category Subject
  12   Thu May 6 16:45:42 2021 Ragan, Rui-JiuDAQData taking with NTCAP
NTCAP is on and data taking has started.
On time: 16:39


IQ Rate: 20 MS/s
Carrier frequency: 245 MHz
Reference level(dBm):-30
RF attenuation(dB):40
IF attenuation(dB):19.9288

Data file

SC file: 

Master path:
  11   Thu May 6 14:30:23 2021 W. KortenGeneralTarget thickness
Thickness of the Carbon target in the TE line has been measured by centering the primary 78Kr beam in the ESR:
Beam energy 370 MeV/u, with thin stripper, ESR energy 368.65 MeV
Adjust beam with "thick" target to keep ESR energy at 368.65 MeV/u -> Beam energy 445 MeV/u
Energy loss 75+1.35=76.35 MeV
Target thickness : 9.97 mm
  10   Thu May 6 14:28:32 2021 Helmut WeickCalibrationBe target thickness calibration -> 1839 mg/cm^2
Injection was optimized before with Cu-40 mg/cm^2 stripper.
This reduces energy of 78Kr from 370 MeV/u -> 386.52 MeV/u.
To keep the same ESR injetion the SIS energy was raised with Be 10mm tatget.
For exactly 1850 mg/cm^2 a SIS-energy of 445.46 MeV/u would be needed. A scan of SIS energy resulted in 445.0 MeV/u as optimal.
This means target thickness is close to 1850 mg/cm^2, we can call it 1839 mg/cm^2.
  9   Thu May 6 13:26:56 2021 Helmut WeickDetectorsTE5 profile grids do not work
There are several issues.

1. The stepper motor drive does not react from Device-Control, -> check controller in FRS Messhütte
2. They don't get a trigger, other grids in TE-line do -> check raw signals also in FRS Messhütte, ask Strahldiagnose
3. For less noise pockets of grids should be evacuated, but most likely the pump is still off or not even connected -> enter ESR and connect

Check also manual at https://web-docs.gsi.de/~weick/frs/current_grids.html
Below picture of no trigger shown in App. Usually it should say last trigger a few seconds ago and display some noise.
  8   Thu May 6 00:32:57 2021 Helmut WeickSimulationsGICOSY file for TE beamline and ESR
This file has several options:
start in SIS, at TE3UF target or inside ESR, choose with GOTO LABEL (G L)after start system (S S).
Depending on the choice select different start beam parameters at top of file, others comment out.

There are also different optics setting with different quadrupoles:
- for TE beamline the standard and the mode by Hans for better focus on the target.
- for ESR a standard mode and variations of isochronous modes
also select by commenting in/out.

Input can be made also in units of K'L for fast import from parammodi, still by hand but with copy and paste.
One half of ESR is defined as a block, can be used more or less often (B I HALF ;)
  6   Tue May 4 21:49:04 2021 Helmut WeickSimulationscut Brho by scrapers
The dispersion from the production target into the ESR is not matched.
This is not good for momentum acceptance, but we anyway want to cut the acceptance.
Dispersion will oscillate with the tune of ESR. After 3 turns we expect a maximum dispersion. 
The picture shows in red the dispersion curve for dp/p=0.1% and beam envelopes of 10 mm mrad.
So we can use scrapers in north or south arc to cut Brho. It should be done from both sides.
How much? Watch the intensity drop.
Best positions look at plot. Straight section outside for low Brho, arc outside for high Brho.
Could be EEXDS2HA and E02DSH (outside).
  5   Tue May 4 18:25:31 2021 Helmut WeickSimulationscutting of primary beam
The slits at TE4 and TE5 can be used to cut away the unwanted 78Kr beam (see pictures).
We do not want activation of the beamline. 78Kr35+ even has a chance of being injected.
  4   Tue May 4 17:54:08 2021 Helmut WeickSimulationsupdated LISE file
This file really has the optics like used in the last ESR experiments.
Now the transmission is also a little bit better.
  3   Tue May 4 13:26:40 2021 YuriSimulationsExpected spectrum 72Ge
A       Z      M/q                Int    difference in kHz@245MHz
68	30	2.263614752	35	-933.1
70	31	2.255131564	124	-457.0
36	16	2.247394703	1	-21.2
45	20	2.24726171	1	-13.7
81	36	2.247136805	1	-6.7
72	32	2.247041397	376	-1.3
72	32	2.247018215	376	0
63	28	2.246941324	1	4.3
54	24	2.246906236	1	6.3
74	33	2.239572482	568	420.9
65	29	2.238342523	100	490.5
76	34	2.232371568	62	829.3
67	30	2.230357529	100	943.7
69	31	2.222859086	172	1370.7
60	27	2.219224118	100	1578.3
62	28	2.211179746	100	2038.7
77	35	2.197207311	116	2842.5
  2   Wed Apr 28 09:36:39 2021 Helmut WeickSimulationsLISE file for fragments from TE3UF into ESR
Uncooled beam on target at TE3UF with dispersion and slit in TE beamlne and realistic injection into ESR.
Now tuned for 72Ge but can easily be modified to other fragment settings. 
The target thickness may need adjustemet after measurement.
The attched powerpoint file explains the settup a bit more.
  1   Fri Apr 23 13:47:55 2021 Jan GloriusCollaborationexperiment proposal
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