E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028
  nuclear two-photon decay, Page 10 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Subject
  53   Fri May 7 17:35:22 2021 Kanika, Sergey, Yuri, Wolfram, Michael, ShahabRunsEnergy change +6 MeV/u
We will now go up in energy to 447 MeV (+6 MeV) from the original energy

last file name with previous energy:

245: 2021.
410: 2021.
  52   Fri May 7 17:12:52 2021 Kanika, Sergey, Yuri, Wolfram, Michael, ShahabRunstrigger time back to 50%
changed trigger time back to 50%

last file with 1% trigger: 

245 MHZ 2021.
410 MHz 2021.

p.s. remember the 245 Analyzer has a 1 hour offset in time stamp because of daylight saving time in win10 setting
  51   Fri May 7 17:12:14 2021 Kanika, Sergey, Yuri, Wolfram, Michael, ShahabRunsEnergy change -6 MeV/u
changed the energy down to 435 MeV/u
  50   Fri May 7 17:02:51 2021 Kanika, Sergey, Yuri, Wolfram, Michael, ShahabRunsnew sextupole setting 2
There is new sextupole settings, but the scrapers remain like last night (Helmut setting last night.)
  49   Fri May 7 16:17:21 2021 Sergey, Yuri, Wolfram, ShahabRunsnew sextupole setting
new sextupole setting, isomer not visible yet.
  48   Fri May 7 16:09:50 2021 YuriAcceleratorStop, change of sextuple settings
  47   Fri May 7 14:33:23 2021 Andrew Ragan Yuri GeneralBeam is back
  46   Fri May 7 14:06:02 2021 YuriAcceleratorSIS kicker failure
  45   Fri May 7 12:37:35 2021 Ragan, Andrew, Yuri, AlexGeneralBack with beam
We are back with the beam in the ESR since 12:30
E02DS3HG = - 35 mm
EEXDS2HA = - 25 mm
EEXDS1HA = - 25 mm
E01DS_H = - 40 mm

For E02DS3HG a reset in the control system needed to be done.
  44   Fri May 7 11:40:20 2021 Ragan, Andrew, YuriGeneralScraper is fixed - optimisation stage
Scraper is fixed, we start again. Scraper open to let everything through
  43   Fri May 7 10:46:40 2021 YuriAcceleratorGE02DS3HG
The scraper is blocked at -10 mm and -unfortunately- blocks the beam in the ESR. Uli Popp is taking care.
  42   Fri May 7 10:05:06 2021 YuriAcceleratorE02DS3HG does not drive
E02DS3HG stays at -35 mm and does not react
  41   Fri May 7 09:58:04 2021 YuriAcceleratorSetting up KO extraction for Caves
SIS optimisation requires us to stop. Only sporadic shots.
  40   Fri May 7 09:56:43 2021 YuriCalibrationIdentification Verification
With closed scrapers there are only a few weak lines.
Open temporarily all scrapers in the ESR to write down the frequencies. 
  38   Fri May 7 09:36:32 2021 Ragan, Andrew, YuriGeneralBeam stop at 0928, adjust scope
It was requested from the SIS to stop the beam at 09:28 
Yuri is adjusting the scope in order to avoid UFO (unidentified frequency object)
  37   Fri May 7 08:55:33 2021 Ragan, Andrew, YuriGeneralTrigger changed
Trigger for both the spectrum analyzers is changed from 50% to 1% by Yuri.
For this, the ESR pattern was stopped at 08:50 and was started back at 08:53.
  36   Fri May 7 08:04:22 2021 Carlo Bruno, Desislava KalaydjievaAnalysis7:00 - 14:00 analysis shift
for remote shifter instructions. To be updated/corrected by the experts)

08:00 Analysed data from 6 am to 7 am  (Note file names are one hour behind).
Using e143_analyzer.py -t 0.5 E143-245MHz-2021.05.07.05.*
See attachments 1,2,3

08:17 Analysed data from 7am to 8am (Note file names are still one hour behind)
As above.
See attachments 4,5,6

Analysed data from 8am to 9am (Note file names are still one hour behind)
As above.
See attachment 7

At 8:50 Yury changes trigger on scope from 50% to 1% (minimum value).
We should now have the beginning of the injection as well, and isomers should appear at 0.1 s

9:35 Lost beam from SIS

09:45 Analysed data from 9am to 9:30 am (Note file names are still one hour behind)
These are the first data with the new trigger settings
As above
See attachment 8

11:50 Beam is back, scraper being optimised.
12:30 Scraper optimisation complete.

13:00 Analysed data from 12:30 to 12:45 roughly.
Attach 9 - default code. -t 0.5
Attach 10 - new untested code with skip function. See Slack#analysis. -t 0.5 -s 0.2
Attach 11 - as 10, log scale on the y

13:48 Analysed data from to 12:30 to 13:35
-t 0.5 Attach 12
-t 1 Attach 13 (log y) 

14:05 Lost beam in ESR

14:30 Analysed data from 13:00 to 14:00 before we lost beam.
-t 0.2 -s 0.1
Attach 13 & 14

14:35 Beam is back 

15:00 Shift handed over to AG and CJC
  35   Fri May 7 07:52:12 2021 Ragan, AndrewGeneralTo change trigger position
Xiangcheng suggested to change the trigger position in order to start the file with the injection. Nothing is changed at the moment. Maybe Shahab or Yuri can do it when they arrive.
  34   Fri May 7 07:02:33 2021 Guy LeckenbyAnalysisOnline Monitoring Plots
In compliment to Liliana's plots, this is the summed spectra I calculated from 0338 to 0507.
  33   Fri May 7 06:53:56 2021 Akash, LilianaAnalysisSome plots
Some plots of statistics up to now
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b