E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028
  nuclear two-photon decay, Page 3 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Subject
  194   Fri Jul 2 03:10:03 2021 IK, KKRunsdrop of intensity
We see that intensity stabalized at 9E8 which is smaller then before. 
We neticed this at 2:50, keep observing.
  193   Fri Jul 2 02:03:36 2021 The remote Canadian beavers (Iris, Guy)AnalysisSummary of spectra 0:00-1:00
Same as before, for 0-1h on July 2nd

> The last hour before the gas bottle change is summarized here. 
> The first pic shows the 410 MHz spectra taken from 22-23h on the 410 MHz analyzer, in time slices of 0.1 sec from 0s-2s.
> The second pic shows the spectra in 20ms slices from 1s-1.16s.
> python3 e143_analyzer.py -s 1.0 -t 0.02 /home/dillmann/.../sparc-daq-02.gsi.de/E143-410MHz/410MHz-2021.07.01.22*
> The third spectra was taken in May, for comparison.
> I don't think we see anything...
  192   Fri Jul 2 01:43:56 2021 IK, KKDAQNTCAP status
The latest recorded tdms files:
2. The rest space on the drive "p:\" : 28TByte
  191   Fri Jul 2 01:39:51 2021 IK, KKRunsdrop of intensity
We see a drop in beam intensity from 7E9 to 2E8 between 01:30 and 01:43
  190   Fri Jul 2 01:34:03 2021 The remote Canadian beavers (Iris, Guy)AnalysisSummary of spectra 22:00-23:00
The last hour before the gas bottle change is summarized here. 
The first pic shows the 410 MHz spectra taken from 22-23h on the 410 MHz analyzer, in time slices of 0.1 sec from 0s-2s.
The second pic shows the spectra in 20ms slices from 1s-1.16s.

python3 e143_analyzer.py -s 1.0 -t 0.02 /home/dillmann/.../sparc-daq-02.gsi.de/E143-410MHz/410MHz-2021.07.01.22*

The third spectra was taken in May, for comparison.

I don't think we see anything...
  189   Fri Jul 2 01:31:35 2021 The remote Canadian beavers (Iris, Guy)AnalysisFirst spectra after bottle change
The first good spectra after the gas bottle change is from 23:38:25 (on the 410 MHz Analyzer) 
  188   Fri Jul 2 00:08:22 2021 IK, KanikaDAQNTCAP status
The latest recorded tdms files:
2. The rest space on the drive "p:\" : 28,4TByte
  187   Thu Jul 1 23:54:43 2021 IrisGeneralLess beam after gas bottle change?
No, everything okay! Must have had a very good earlier run to compare.

> Looks like there is a bit less beam now in the ring. I just looked at one spectra from before the gas bottle change and after...
  186   Thu Jul 1 23:46:17 2021 IrisGeneralLess beam after gas bottle change?
Looks like there is a bit less beam now in the ring. I just looked at one spectra from before the gas bottle change and after...
  185   Thu Jul 1 23:38:55 2021 IK, KKRunsChange of gas bottle
The gas bottle has been changed and the beam is back.
  184   Thu Jul 1 23:07:47 2021 IK, KKRunssource
The change of the source happens now
  183   Thu Jul 1 21:35:32 2021 ShahabRunssome pics after 15dB amplification on 410
  182   Thu Jul 1 21:35:15 2021 ShahabDAQincrease factor 4 in power for 410
increase factor 4 in power for 410 




  181   Thu Jul 1 21:15:01 2021 Andrew NicDAQNTCAP Status
The latest recorded tdms files:
2. The rest space on the drive "p:\" : 29,1TByte
  180   Thu Jul 1 20:48:58 2021 Shahab Andrew NicDAQAcquisition started
15dB amplifier on 410MHz 
  179   Thu Jul 1 20:35:21 2021 Andrew Nic ShahabDAQAcquisition stopped
Checking if signal can be further amplified 

Last files:
245MHz 2021.
410MHz 2021.
  178   Thu Jul 1 19:34:11 2021 ShahabDAQincrease factor 4 in power for 410
increase factor 4 in power for 410 




  177   Thu Jul 1 19:24:59 2021 Nic Andrew ShahabRunsStart of data taking again
410 MHz resolution and power optimised

Last files before the restart were
  176   Thu Jul 1 18:56:49 2021 ShahabRunsShort interruption in recording
  175   Thu Jul 1 18:54:44 2021 Andrew, NicGeneralNTCap Status
The latest recorded tdms files:
2. The rest space on the drive "p:\" : 29,8TByte
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b