E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028
  nuclear two-photon decay, Page 4 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Subject
  174   Thu Jul 1 18:49:59 2021 ShahabRunspossible isomer?
  173   Thu Jul 1 18:07:10 2021 ShahabRunssettings of the analyzers after changing the trigger position
  172   Thu Jul 1 18:01:52 2021 Andrew Nic ShahabDAQChange triggers to 10%
Change the triggers to 10%. Last files with 50/50:
410MhZ 2021-.
245MhZ 2021. 
  171   Thu Jul 1 17:01:43 2021 JacobusRunsFrequency shift
> The freqency suddenly shifted at time 16:11:47 and remained shifted until now 
> The ESR status in the monitor stayed blue. No obvious sign that a magnet was down. The operators are checking
> Sergey telephoned, he is also not sure but suggests stopping starting the ESR. We will wait for Yuri

In attachment, the moment when the shift occurred. 
  170   Thu Jul 1 16:47:15 2021 Andrew NicRunsFrequency shift
The freqency suddenly shifted at time 16:11:47 and remained shifted until now 

The ESR status in the monitor stayed blue. No obvious sign that a magnet was down. The operators are checking

Sergey telephoned, he is also not sure but suggests stopping starting the ESR. We will wait for Yuri
  169   Thu Jul 1 16:27:57 2021 Andrew NicGeneralNTCAP parameters
The latest recorded tdms files:
2. The rest space on the drive "p:\" : 30,4TByte
  168   Thu Jul 1 15:25:42 2021 Rui-Jiu ChenDAQtemplate of NTCAP shift
Please check following two parameters every two hours into make sure the NTCAP is running well: 
1. The latest recorded tdms files:
2. The rest space on the drive "p:\" : **GByte.
  167   Thu Jul 1 14:47:15 2021 Yury, HelmutAcceleratoradded high Brho scrapers
So far only scrapers for low Brho were used:
  GE01DS_HI = -58mm (arc from inside) and
  GEEXDS2HA = -11.2 (straight from outside)
We also want a cut on high Brho to avoid possible strange lines.

GE01DS_HA is limited in motion, at the maximum inside position (0.0 mm) there is no effect.

Next EEXDS1HG (aperture for ToF-detctor) in mm
120 -  completely out
 60 - no effect full beam
 45 -   "
 30 -   "
 20 -   "
 10 - very little beam remaining
  5 - gone
 12 - little beam
 14 - narow but little
 16 - narrow with small tail in left side
 20 - again like full
100 - full (as reference for the eye)

Then similar with E02DSHG in arc dipole in mm
 -130 - full
  -60 - full
  -40 - gone
  -45 - very tiny
  -55 - full
  -50 - less beam
  -52 - similar
  -53 - no difference
  -58 - looks like full

Now add EEXDS1HG again with -16mm, no difference, so keep both in.
==> we cut in arc from both sides and on straight secton from both sides
    Intensity does not look different to scrapers out. 
    It looks like a bit less 70Se in ESR then 1h before, but maybe other reason.
  166   Thu Jul 1 07:28:55 2021 Jan, AkashAcceleratorBeam intensity
Intensity went up from 5e8 to 1e9 extracted particles from SIS.
  165   Thu Jul 1 04:15:54 2021 David, LilianaGeneralBeam intensity
From 4:05 to 4:15 beam intensity was 1/2 as before. 
  164   Thu Jul 1 01:35:15 2021 David, LilianaGeneralIon source change
Changing ion source, no beam expected for the next 30 minutes.

2:15--> Beam is back, intensity not as high as before but will increase in the next few minutes as the source gets hotter.
  163   Thu Jul 1 00:09:28 2021 David, LilianaGeneralLow beam intensity for few minutes
For few minutes (starting at 00:05) beam intensity went down. Same as it was reported by the previous shift. 
Until 00:27 beam had lower intensity than before (3e8) 
Now intensity is back to 5e8.
  162   Wed Jun 30 23:29:42 2021 Rui-Jiu ChenAnalysisStart a new run.
reference level=-20 dBm.
  161   Wed Jun 30 20:58:06 2021 Ragan, HelenaGeneralFew minutes of disruption
There was a disruption from the SIS side for a few minutes.
  160   Wed Jun 30 20:21:47 2021 Ragan, HelenaGeneralSIS intensity is back
SIS intensity is back
  159   Wed Jun 30 20:14:44 2021 Ragan, HelenaGeneralDrop in SIS intensity
There is a drop in SIS intensity and the operators are informed.
  158   Wed Jun 30 19:59:39 2021 ShahabRunsScraper positions
current scraper positions suggested by Sergey:

GEEXDS2HA = -11mm
GE01DS-H (innen) = -58mm
  157   Wed Jun 30 19:08:25 2021 Rui-Jiu ChenAnalysisID of 70Se spectrum recorded in May
  156   Wed Jun 30 15:21:44 2021 ShahabRunsdata synch on WWW server
Data is being shared on the WWW server.
Time difference between the analyzers is in order of seconds:

time stamp of the 245MHz data is leading those of 410MHz by 21.733 [s]
  155   Wed Jun 30 14:52:28 2021 OliverGeneralRe-Started data taking...
Main user is finished. We started data taking again...
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